Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Samantha's Surprise 4th Birthday Party

Welcome to Samantha's Surprise
4th Birthday Party!
Please come in and enjoy yourselves.
The party starts at 5 pm EST in Florida!

We have plenty of food to eat. Lots of drinks. Niptini's. A big cake. Hats. Balloons.

Samantha's Presents from Tigger and Mom
Check out the Lizards, Daisy!!

This is Samantha's clone Squillion Lucky Sam and the President of the Samantha & Tigger Squillions Association, Bernard. Doesn't he look like Oreo? They've come to wish Samantha a Happy 4th Purrthday! And all the Squillions wish her a Happy Purrthday, too.

Happy Purrthday, Samantha!
This is Miss Ariel, Lucky Sam, and OJ Tigger. Our Squillion selves!!


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hey Hey Hey, Happy Birthday to Samantha~!!! Great the 4th birthday party~!!!!

Come on over I made a card for you~!
Wish you have every happy healthy day after and ever~!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hey guys, go to chatzy.com and set up a room. Yoo put in da name of yoor room and a password. Den yoo put a linky on yoor blog wif da password and woohoo it's a partay!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Happy Birthday Samantha! :) I hope you have a fabulous day! :) As we say in German: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag. :)

You are a wonderful cat and a great friend, and I am happy to have met you. I hope you have a very happy birthday and many more to come.

Thank you for all your help with the Tuxedo Gang - it is very much appreciated. :)

Your friend, Dragonheart. :)

Karen Jo said...

Happy Birthday, Samantha.

The Cat Realm said...

Happy happy happy birthday! It will be a great party, we can feel it! May there be MANY more, all the best and lots of fresh nip
Karl and Anastasia

Bogdan, the editor said...


-Sara, Bogdan and Kat3

Millie said...

Happy Birthday Samantha!

Anonymous said...

A very Happy Birthday to you Samantha! What a fine, feline four year old you are :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tigger!
Bounce, Lucy and I are gonna teleport over and help you decorate for Samantha's birthday party. Can't wait to see you!

Purrs and nose kisses,

Peter Haslam said...

Happy Birthday Samantha from Cleo

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Birthday!!!! We hope you have a great day!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Purrfday Samantha!!! wheeeeeeeeeee!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Samantha!! Hope all your wishes come true!


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Happy Birthday Samantha!!!

~Donny and Marie

LZ said...

Woo hooo!! I wish we could make it but the Woman is still at work at 5pm and the Internet is going to be down for "server maintenance" at 4. We'll try to come by from home later!!

Happy Birthday Samantha!!


sammawow said...

Oh Hooray for you Samantha! Hope you have the happiest of birthdays!

Happy Happy Birthday...
May all your dreams come true...
Oh, Happy Happy Birthday...
With love from us to you!!!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Peach Man said...

Check out my post today. ER, not til 5 tho. It's a secret. Ssshhh.
Luf, P-Man

Daisy said...

Happy Birthday! I am just checking in early, but I will stop by again after 5:00!

Forty Paws said...

Happy Purrfday to You,
Happy Purrfday to You,
Happy Purrfday to Samantha,
Happy Purrfday to You!!

And many many more!

We'll be over for the PAR-TAY later!

Luf, Us

Ann M & the Kitties said...

We're going to sneak in here and say Happy Birthday Samantha, from all of us!!! (Mom & Lemieux are keeping Samantha busy until party time).

Ariel & Tocchet

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Samantha! We gots you some birthday presents - check out our bloggie!

Yore furrends,
Bounce, Lucy and Trixie

P.S. Hi Tigger from your purring Trixie

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

happy happy puuurrrthday samantha!!
we whish you all the best and many happy returns!

we hope we can make it to the partyy but momma says it's very late around here by 5 pm EST so we'll pobably have to sneak ofur and secretly telerport to your party.

Kashim & Othello

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Everyone!! Samantha has been at her twins Lemieux since yesterday. They have been keeping her busy and off the internet. She'll be here soon. So everyone be quiet and when she comes in we'll say Surprise all together.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Is she here yet, shhhhh, oh dis is aciting!

Daisy said...

Samantha, are you there yet? I want to shout "Surprise"!!!!

Samantha & Mom said...

No, she should be here anytime. She's going to be so surprised. Lemieux
says, she thinks we forgot her birthday!! (Hehe)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

SURPRISE! Happy Purrthday Samantha...and a squillion more....

Anonymous said...

Is it surprise time? If so SURPRISE! Happy Birthday Samantha! Hope you have many more.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Samantha! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Dear Samantha, happy birthday to you. This is a great party. Thanks for the niptinis. I really love these things.

I am just a little over two years myself and my brother, Clyde is just a little over three years old. I can't wait until my next birthday so I can throw a party like yours!

Samantha & Mom said...

Here she is!! SURPRISE!!!!!!

Samantha blushes, Oh my, I thought you guys had forgotten about me!!

Samantha & Mom said...

Thank you!! Thank you all for coming. Lemieux, you and your mom and Tigger and my mom were in on this !!!
:tears: I have no words!!

Daisy said...

SURPRISE!!!!! Happy birthday Samantha! We would never ever forget your birthday.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Oh what a great party! we sneaked ofur momma is sleeping already and we telerported us to your surorise party.

::waving paws::

aaah we can see daisy over there...

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

SURPRISE!! Happy Purrthday, Samantha!!

This is a great party!!

Anonymous said...

Yippee!! Surprise Samantha and Happy Birthday to you!


Samantha & Mom said...

Daisy, we got some fake lizards to play with. Mom will show them to usas soon as she gets the pictures we took of everything posted!! We got some cool stuff!! There is plenty to eat and drink!! Everyone have fun.

Oh, thank you everyone for coming. I have been looking at the posts and cards and presents and everything.
I got a nice birthday wish from Peachman. Is he here? Samantha

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Hi Samantha! You have a gurreat bday party here, we are having a good time. Maybe Daisy can teach me about lizards in person??


Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh, I can't stay, but I had to come sing fur Samantha!
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Deer Samantha,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes!
... and many more!!!!
Haf a terrrrrific purrthday... cuz I said so.

Samantha & Mom said...

Thanks Victor for the song!! It was beautiful! Mom send all the Squillions over to the party!!
You can come, too and Dad and Gma Rosie.

sammawow said...

We came back over for the party - Surprise!!!!! Your presents are all terrific! Maybe we'll go have a niptini to toast you, Samantha - we were so glad that the surprise worked - hehe!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Samantha & Mom said...

Thanks for coming China Cat and Willow. And Donny. I was totally surprised!! My and Limieux's Mom planned it, so I would think everyone forgot. It worked, too. Mom just made some fresh tuna rolls. Come and get um!

Anonymous said...

Wow Samantha, I've never seen so many squillions in one place. You got some nice stuff from yore mom and Tigger.

Those tuna rolls sound good! Yum!

Just Ducky said...

Happy Birthday Samantha. Many, many more. Purrs.

Gretchen said...

Happy #4 Samantha! I'm glad you are getting so many nice things, like l i z z a r d s!

Samantha & Mom said...

Thanks for the Birthday wishes and coming by Derby and Gretchen!

Mom says we can put all the tents up and the tunnel and the new kitty condo up. Let's play thundering heard! And chase Tigger's tail.

Hey Sam, that's not funny!!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Mama's letting me come to say Happy Birfday to you Samantha. So Happy Birfday, and many more!

I can't stay, but you all have lots of fun!


Samantha & Mom said...

Thanks for coming by Brandi and the birthday wishes! Samantha.

Hot(M)BC said...

Happy Purrthday Samantha!!!
Sorry we's late. We hadda big thunderboomy storm and the cable modem went weird and wouldn't werk.

Oh oh, there goes Mini to the food. Better hide some from her or she will eat it all! hehehe

Hot(M)BC said...

Wow Samantha, those lizzards look cool. Are they fun to play with?
-- Pepi

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, dis is a grate party! I think Speedy ate to much, he's been laying der looking rather round fur a while now. Da food is reely good and I won some tem-tay-shuns playing poker so dat was fun! Thanks fur inviting us...

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
O, Samantha, what a grrrreat partee. Lookie at all tha fixings 'n foods 'n fun stuff. Wowie.
Happy Birfday, dear Samantha...
Purrs, KC

Karen said...

Happy Birthday

The Furry Kids said...

Happy, happy, happy Birfday!!! You got lots of cool presents. We love the lizards.

Anonymous said...

This is a really great party! I love the thundering herd game. It's so much fun. Happy Birthday again, Samantha!

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh yeah, I want to play the thundering herd game. I'm ready!
-- Pepi

Anonymous said...

I'm too late! Sorry! But I wanted to wish you a happy birthday! I hope you had a great day Samantha! :)

Samantha & Mom said...

Thank you Mini, Pepi, KC, Pixel, Tius, Tazo and Earl Grey for coming by and the birthday wishes. Happy Birthday to you Tazo and Earl Grey!

Yup, let's get the herd started!! I hope mom and dad didn't plan on sleeping tonight!!

Maybe we can do the Conga next!!

Lux said...

Happy Birthday, Samantha!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh do we get to make lots of noise? That sounds like fun! I love the presents you got, especially the condo! That looks like a really nice place to hide and then jump out at your mum and dad! :D

Lux said...

Great gifts - do you mind if I help myself to a niptini?

Marilynn said...

Happy HAPPY birthday!! What a fun surprise, huh?


Purrs from Grace & Company

Hot(M)BC said...

::thunder thunder thunder::

Mom calls me a thundercat lots!
-- Pepi

Samantha & Mom said...

Yes, please have a niptini Lux. Thanks for coming.

Marilyn, thanks for coming, too.

Thank everyone for coming, this has been the best night of my life!
I wish Peach could have been here!

Oh well, let's Conga. Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta. Sorry, I can't keep a tune!!

Hot(M)BC said...

Congaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa woo!

Hot(M)BC said...

Phew I need a niptini now.

Phoebe said...

A very happy birthday from Monica and I to you, Samantha. Sorry we missed your party. I hope it was great!

Tara said...

Happy Happy Birthday! What a great time!


The Crew said...

Oh rats!!!! Mom had computer "issues" yesterday and we didn't get a chance to stop by.

Sorry we couldn't be there but it looks like the party was great and everyone had a good time.

Happy, happy purrthday Samantha!

The Crew

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday Samantha!

~Andrew Bun

boo_licious said...

Happy Birthday Samantha!! Those lizards look so wickedly good to throw around the house.

Anita said...

Happy Purrrrrrrrthday! Excuse me for the lateness. Sorry.

Fantastic gifts. You are lucky. Muhahaha!

A lot of purrrrayerssss.

Ann (MobayDP) said...

Happy Birthday Samantha!! :D