Friday, October 19, 2007

Samantha and Tigger's 1st Fashion Friday

Okay, it's not a lot of fashion. It's our first try, but at least we let Mom take our pictures! Don't we look thrilled? And Daisy we need you to be a Union Representative for us, we didn't get one treat. Not even a thank you. We would like you to send Mom the rules and regulations of Cat Modeling 101.
Tigger says, "I hope Trixie still loves me after seeing this!!"

Don't forget to check out the cool places to go on the Cat Blogospher....

You can Board the Friday Ark at The Modulator

Weekend Cat Blogging at the Tuxedo Gang Hideout
(see the week’s& host to enter your WCB post in the comments for the weekend roundup)

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 15 on 10-21-2007 at
Pet & The Bengal Brats at Pet’s Garden Blog
Optional Theme - Frogs Or Lizards


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You both look very cute in that collar, even if you don't look happy.

I can't believe you didn't get any treats!!! I was rewarded with lots of Temptations when I wore my Dragon costume. :)

Karen Jo said...

You look really ticked off, Tigger. I think the collar looks cuter on Samantha. Yes, you really need to let your Mom know about the payment in treats needed for modelling.

Daisy said...

You two look fantastic in the beautiful and fancy ruff. I think you are good at modeling, you looked right at the camera and everything! It is very WRONG that you did not get paid for your hard work. You must get at least 6 Temptations for each modeling session. You might have to go on strike.

ZOOLATRY said...

You both are simply dahling... have you tried it around your hips? The Barishnikov look...
(did we spell his name right?) oh well... you can be the twinkle toes twins!


Both of you look really cute with that collar on....but you don't look furry happy...uh oh MOM don't get any iders...


Anonymous said...

Sam you look adorable with the pink collar!!!

I do still love you Tigger! It takes a very manly mancat to wear a pink collar. It is for Halloween after all.

Your loving girlcat,

Anonymous said...

That was very good of both of you to have fun with your human. And Samantha, a pink collar makes you look even sweeter. Now, Tigger... your human owes you big-time. You have a look on your face that says "What are *you* looking at?"

Sassy Kat said...

What beautiful cat outfits you have! Did you mind having them on? Looks like you could be ready to go to a special luncheon.

I also wanted to know if Tigger has relatives in northern Indiana? I knew a cat once that looks pretty much like Tigger.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is so so cute of you.I can tell that you are a little bit upset, hehehehe~!!!! But you look great~!

Jimmy Joe said...

You've got a clown ruff on, Tigger, hahahahahaha! Oh--sorry, I didn't mean to laugh quite so loud. You both look very, um, peppy with your pom-pom collar. (heeheehee*snort)
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

You look very stylish in the pink collar. Is it off now? Good, cause you can attack it! We think it would make a very fun toy!

Tybalt said...

You both look wonderful in pink, but I agree that your mom was wrong not to repay you with treats and praise. BAD MOMMA!

LZ said...

I think you look nice! But make sure your demands are well paid! Its a lot of work wearing clothes.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo both modeled dat collar needs to pay! Maybe Daisy can recomend a good modeling agent dat can get yoor pay fur yoo.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Samantha looks mad, and Tigger looks like he doesn't know what the heck is going on. They are very good though to allow these photos to be taken :-) I have a hat I bought specially for one of our cats that we can't get on her still LOL

Mickey's Musings said...

NO TREATS?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good thing you got Daisy on the job!!!!!

NO TREATS??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh my, you look SO happy!!!! I just have to say, thrilled to be dressed up! But oh my you look gorgeous!!

Lux said...

You both look adorable, but I can empathize with how you feel!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Hoo boy!!!You iz one peed-off floofy black cat!!! & da Tigger looks em-bare-assed!!! I yam not sure deze outfitz reflect your true naturez. Perhaps we should leave da dressin' up fer little daisy.

-Dr Tweety

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

OK, that is probly the most um "unique" costume we haf seen. The Big Thing says "shouldn't a tu-tu be more around the back end?"

Sketer and LC

Laura W said...

Where did you GET that?
I love that!
I would look so cool in that thing!
You both look simply stunning.

Anonymous said...

You didn't get a single treat! You are kidding me. *faints*

Anonymous said...

From Tigger to Tigger!
Here at topcatrules (oh, and I'm top cat by the way) we are in awe of your beauty! Both of you.

Anonymous said...

I can only admire you to be soooo patient with your can opener !! I think my cats would kill me if I dared to put some clothing on them, lol ! I have some territoral fights for the Bad Kitties !

Sassy Kat said...

Thanks for stopping back at my blog. I am glad that you are putting my link on your blog. If you don't mind I will put yours on mine. I glad the eye is ok. I still am not sure I would want to wear outfits, you are brave.

Anita said...

Yours bean is very naughty. Muhahahahaha!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Bean say "OH, where did they get those? Those are so cute!" Do NOT tell her. I do NOT need one.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

It's PINK! very cute, now did you scratch your mama? We love Kitty Fashion, but only to look at the lovely models not to wear. Very brave of you all. Scritches