Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thursday 13- #24-13 Reasons Why The Cat Blogosphere Is a Great Place To Belong To

13 Reasons Why the
Cat Blogosphere
Is A Great Place To Belong To

  1. Because Mom Robyn and ML do such a wonderful job of putting out a wonderful Site called the Cat Blogosphere for us Cats to join in on everyday.
  2. The Daily Noos.
  3. The wonderful Offishul Repurrters they have.
  4. Cat Chats so we can talk to each other in real time for Party's and for Purrayering when our friends need a paw of help!
  5. For the Cat Blogosphere Goodies Store. Where you can get the newest 2008 Cat Calender, T-shirts, and much, much more! And all profits go to helping our Cat Furiends in times of need.
  6. The Announcements Section, right at the top of the Blog on the right hand side. It keeps all us Cats in the know with what is going on in the Cat Blogosphere.
  7. An Other Places of Interest to Blogging Cats page.
  8. A Gotcha/Purrthday list of all the Cat's.
  9. A Cat Food Concern Page that lists what is good for us to eat and tells us when recalls go into effect!
  10. A place we can go to everyday to find out what is happening in the Cat Blogosphere world and share our Blog Posts with.
  11. A wonderful place to meet lots of very nice Cats and the humans they own. Who are there to give you some great comments when you lose a beloved pet, a beloved relative, need a little encouragement with whatever is happening or are just having a bad day.
  12. If you are new to Cat Blogging and you need some help, The Cat Blogosphere has a lot of places to send you to get the help you need or you just ask and someone is always willing to lend a helping hand.
  13. And finally, from us here at Life From A Cat's Perspective, the Cat Blogosphere is a wonderful and fantastic place to belong to and be a part of and we are glad it found us when we first started Blogging and we will forever be gratful for it.


Natalie said...

I never knew there was so much out there for cats. :)

My TT is up

Anonymous said...

I've done a bit of cat blogging and plan to take it up again (different blog). Thanks for this list of resources.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a wonderful list! The Cat Blogosphere is a wonderful, amazing place. :)

Daisy said...

I love the Cat Blogosphere! I do not know what we would do without it. The Cat Blogosphere is what truly brings us together as a community.

ZOOLATRY said...

You are so right! The CB is the place to be, and we are all very thankful it is there for us to share... and we're thankful also that we have you, are FL Friends! Have a wonderful Turkey Day.

Willow said...

China Cat & I love your list about the Cat Blogosphere. It really does bring us all together and I don't know what we would do without it!

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Purrrrrs, Willow

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Samantha & Tigger! I am furry thankful there is a Cat Blogosphere for bunderful kitties like you!
Your friend,

Mickey's Musings said...

Great T13!! I agree with all those things.The blogosphere is so good and lets me stay in touch with my friends!!

Purrs to all your family! Enjoy your turkey!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
Grrrreat post. we kitties in tha cat blogosphere haf a lot ta be fankful for, and u's an ur's Mommie are tops on ours list.
Happy Fanksgiving,
Purrrs, KC

Millie said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Happy Turkey Eattins day to you and your beans!

Email us withs a snail mails address so we's can send mommy beans out with the package for you Samantha.

Anonymous said...

That was a great list. We love being part of the blogosphere. Happy Thanksgiving!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh yes, CB is da bestest place on da planet. Three cheers fur da Cat Blogosphere and a happy turkey eating day to yoo and da fambly.

Hot(M)BC said...

We're so happy to be parta the cat blogosphere too! We'd be furry sad wifout yall, our furriends.
Happy Fanksgiving!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi

Artsy Catsy said...

Samantha & Tigger, you are SO right - being a part of the wonderful Cat Blogosphere is like having a second family!

We hope you and your beans are having the best Thanksgiving Day ever!

& all of us at Artsy Catsy

Anita said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

I hope you have a good day!


The Furry Kids said...

Great list! Happy Thanksgiving to you guys!

PrincessMia said...

The Cat Blogosphere is the best! Happy Thanksgiving y'all!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great reesons to visit The Cat Blosphere! We love it now that we found it!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Hoppy Gobble Gobble Day!

Tiger Lily said...

Happy Thanksgiving Samantha & Tigger! That is a great TT13!!

Thank you for your kind comments for Ruckus and my Daddy. We really appreciate your encouragement! Ruckus is all OK now and my Daddy is slowing starting to feel better.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are late visiting because our Mommy was gone for Thanksgiving. We are going to visit all the links in your TT later.

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

We never get to eat at the table, but Mommy did give us some turkey before she left.

Bogdan, the editor said...

Yes, the cat blogosphere. ... a great place to be!!

Happy belated fanksgiving!

-Bogdan, Sara and Kat 3

Linda R. Moore said...

Wonderful! I'll share all of the above with my three. :)

My TTs are here: