Monday, November 5, 2007

We Did it! I Dare Ya #3-DUYS

We did it!!!! The IDYA#3-DUYS (Dress UP Your Staff)

Here is Anastasia’s last Dare in her own words:

“I Dare You All to Dress Up Your Staff. Dress up your humans in the most ridiculous, silly, weird, comical, insane, funny, humiliating, splendid, outrageous outfit you can imagine, post their picture on your blog and put your name and the link to the post in the Mr. Linky box at The Cat Realm.” And please, Dare your nomss friend and if you don’t have one, make one! We'd like to dare Andrewbun to Dress Up His Staff, too!

This is Mom as a Red Sox fan!!
She doesn't like baseball!!


Lux said...

My MomBean doesn't like baseball, either, but she likes this picture! :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we have plans fur mom...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Nice job dressing up your mom. :)

Daisy said...

Yay! You did it! Your mom looks great as a baseball fan.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Hey yur Mom makes a good lookin Red Sox fan! Mom's not into baseball that much eifur but Dad is a big Red Sox fan so he's furry happy lately.

Parker said...

Hooray for your Mom - we think that it's cool that she took the challenge!


You did a great job of dressing up your Mom!!


Anonymous said...

Well, even if your mombean doesn't like baseball, at least she's wearing a good team's shirt. Now a Tampa Bay Rays shirt would have been "ridiculous, silly, weird, comical...etc." :-)

Zoolatry said...

Football? Go S & T.

Zoolatry said...

Football? Go S & T.

The Cat Realm said...

This is priceless! I think I can detect the slightest hint of disdain on her face??? Hahahahahahaha - and you put her in such a way that the sun behind her could very well be a part of the costume, very smart!
Anastasia would be very proud! Thank you soooo much for accepting the challenge and don't forget: Friday and Saturday we all vote for viewer's favorite!
Your friend Karl

LZ said...

Well if she doesn't like baseball she chose the right team anyway! We don't like baseball either but the LL says the Red Sox gene is injected into everyone born in New England.


Tybalt said...

Ha ha ha! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha... your mom looks GREAT as a NOT baseball fan!:)

Leona said...

Your mom sure is a good sport...get it, SPORT baseball. HA HA.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

ahahaha how hilarious well done dressing up your human!! x

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

My Bean is a baseball fan so she dress like this all the time. She does not like Red Sox much though.

Mickey's Musings said...

Heeheehee!!! She dosen't like baseball! Good one ;)

Sunny's Mommy said...

That's a great job you two did dressing up your staff :-D

Bogdan, the editor said...

ha! that's good. My Investor doesn't like baseball either, and she's sure glad I didn't make her dress up as a fan!