Saturday, December 8, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning with Samantha and Tigger

It's December and at our house we are busy everyday. Mom is behind on the inside decorations, because she spent so much time on the outside. Grandbabybean is coming for a visit and she is excited. We got our Christmas cards and our getting them out. Our Secret Paw packages are almost ready to send and Mom is one of those last minute Christmas shoppers. And this weekend we are doing Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos and next weekend Weekend Cat Blogging and Tigger is rehearing for his role as Santa Claus in the Christmas Caper over at Sassy's Blog (see the Promo on our side bar) and................!!! So we are taking it Easy this Sunday Morning Over at Sophia's Blog watching Elf and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (two of our personal favorites) and eating popcorn while Mom goes to pick up the girl and then we have to get busy on the BKCFOK so get your Boxes and Toys pictures ready for us.Whew!!!! We got our package from TT last week for wining her Thanksgiving Story Contest, but we didn't get to open it till Saturday because of you know who. (Samantha rolls her eyes.) Thank you TT, Molly and Shadow.There was some cool toy mouses, cat milk, Temptations and so much more. Here are some cool pictures.

Come on Mom, we have waited long enough!

Look at all this cool stuff!

Tigger likes to play with the mouses!

Samantha can't wait for Mom to open the Temptations!!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thanks for the invitation. I shall stop by and say mieow on my way home from Sassy's.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Oooo good treats! Glad you are coming over to watch the movie with us!

Leslie said...

Mom says I have to type fast cause the buzzer went on the stove. This is Pyewacket and Trixie saying hi, and also our Tigger, cause Mom says to be polite to our big sister.

I am polite. The other two hiss at me daily. I think they are jealous.

Oh, on my Sunday, today, I got to help Alessandro and his friend Dragan, who owns the pink BMW, to put the lights and the decorations on the Christmas tree! I was SO excited. It's my first Christmas you know!!

How old is your Tigger who is a boy? Our's is 8.

Ingrid said...

What a busy bee your mum is ! I am already getting tired when I read all this. I only decorated the house for Christmas time the tree will follow next week. I wonder if Rosie will try to climb in it ! We will go away to my son in Amsterdam and poor cats have to celebrate Christmas without me. But we are only away for one night. My neighbor takes care of them.

Leslie said...

Oh Tigger! As you said, we Tiggers have to stick together...

Come back over and have a look.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I'll be there~!!!!!

And great tempatations for sure~!!!!!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

What a great prize package! Enjoy! :) We don't have any Christmas stuff up yet, because my humans refuse to decorate for Christmas before Advent starts, and since Advent has begun, my dad has been very busy with work.

Daisy said...

TT sure knows how to put together a wonderful prize package!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Mommy bean laughs, she says Tigger and Molly are twins. Not onlys do they looks alikes but they both loves those mousies! We's glads you gots to finally opens the box.

Anita said...

You are so lucky for this fantastic gifts.

Thanks for your good desires to me.

I love your selection of Christmas carols... muhahahahaha!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are grate purrezzunts. We haf gone to see Elf too so we'll probly see you there.

Artsy Catsy said...

What a wowee prize package! And even boxes to play in - boxes are just about the best part of Christmas!!


Jimmy Joe said...

That's a great package! I love getting new mousies.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Gemini and Ichiro said...

OH that looks like fun. You are so lucky to be winners!

Parker said...

There is such a huge nap in my future today! I hope you getr to relax too!

Leslie said...

Good morning Tigger!

How are you this fine morning? Mom has the busiest day! It's 7am here in Canberra on Monday morning. SHe has the school concert today - TWICE! At noon then at 6pm. Her children do a dance to YMCA as one of their items.

Trixie and I are napping on her bed and our Tigger is asleep on her boy's bed. :)

She said she had a great time in Hawaii with you.

MaoMao said...

Wowie, those are great prizes! Temptayshuns are the bestest!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Wowie! Yoo dots a squillion treats. Yoo am gonna haf so much fun playin' wif all dat.

Mickey's Musings said...

Wow!! You got some really neat stuff.Woot!!
Enjoy the goodies :)

Alexi said...

Oooooo--great stuff! Love your Christmas carols!