Life From A Cat's Perspective Special Pages
Meme and Award Thursday with Samantha and Tigger
We started our T13, but Mom got BIZZY (lot of that going on) so we are going to put it up on Friday! So we are going to do the 3 Things New With Us Meme that Lyra & Caesar tagged us for that was started by Tigmuthep and
we are using the cute Graphic he made for it! So Here goes!
1. Tigger started the M-Cats Club for all the Male cats to have a cool place to hang out. They also have a couple of NOMSS members, too2. Samantha found her Prince! Prince Tybalt that is!! And they have lots of fun times together! She is very happy!3. Samantha & Tigger are getting a little closer to each other. One usually sits on one side of the bed and one on the other side, but check out this picture!

Hootin' Anni gave us This Blog is Rated E for Excellence Award. We want to thank her very much for thinking our Blog deserved this fantastic Award. We are instructed to send this to 10 Blogger Writers of outstanding style and ability!
We would like to give this Award to The Cat Blogosphere, The Cat Realm, Maggy & Zoey at Zoolatry, Chey's Place, Karen Jo at Kitty Limericks, Kat's Cat of The Day, Dragonheart & Merlin, Peter at Necessary Skills , Sassy Tales and Zippy, Sadie & Speedy!
All these Bloggers have wonderful outstanding styles and a fantastic ability to keep us thinking, amused and entertained.
Hey FL Friends -- Thanks for the award! And that is a great picture of the two of you together... we do not allow the Zoolatry Human to ever ever see us together in any way, shape or form! BTW: we have never complimented you on your great new banner either, it is really nice!
Bye for now... M/Z
You look so sweet on this picture ! BTW the link to the mencat club of Tigger doesn't work I tried for Arthur (he needs some men company with his four females) but got the message there is no link.
Congratulations on your award! It is very well deserved. :) We are honoured that you have passed it along to us - thank you!
Great photo of the two of you getting closer. It's too bad you don't like each other better. Snuggling is one of the best parts of having a sibling!
Oh thank you so much! We are thrilled to be passing it on--as soon as we get some time to blog!
Congratulations on your awards! My princess, I am so happy that I make you happy! I'm purring like mad. =^_^=
You and Tigger look very cozy, Sam. Being close to your siblings can be a lot of fun.
Grate award and well deserved too. Awww we are happy for you and Tybalt he is such a sweetie!
Hahahahah! You are close to each other, but neither of you look very happy about it!
I agree with Daisy. Neither of you look happy about it :-p
Congratulations on your award :-D
First Slick and Scout, now Sam and Tigger... can Bonnie and Victor snuggling be far behind? Is this a sign of the end of the world?
I am very happy that Samantha and Tybalt have gotten together and that Sam and Tigger are getting closer to one another, even though they don't look too happy about it at the moment. Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it along to me. I feel very honored.
Howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww fantastic!!! I love that you awards more cat bloggers. [cat's rule!!!] Of course, this is coming from a cat lover, so whadya expect?
Have a PURRRRRRRfect day.
Concatyoolayshuns on your award.
Yep you are close but you don't look too thrilled about it.
Congrats on the "Excellent" award!
Thanks for my award, I sure appreciate ya thinking of me. I think ya two are such cuties. Hey let Opus and Roscoe know about that man cat club thingie.
Congratulations on your award!
congratulation to your award and thank you soooo much for passing it on to us, we are very honored!!!
I also like all the new things with you!!!! M-cats Club: awesome! And more romance: Really awesome!! The two of you getting a little closer: triple awesome!!!
Congratulations on your award. Your blog is indeed excellent. Congratulations again:D
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