Thursday, January 17, 2008

This, That and Other Things Thursday

Today Tigger is just going to take a minute and reflect on This, That and Other Things! See how close Sam & I are and she's even listening to me.

Tigger says, Thanks for all the great input on the Mancat Club. Rocky from Artsy Catsy suggested M-Cats for the name? Does that sound good to you? Mom says we can have our own Blog. We need a cool looking badge, so if anyone can help or come up with an idea, let me know. It will be a cool place we can hang out, have some events, smoke some nip cigars, play games and cards, have some contests and just be Mancats! Does that sound okay to you guys! I am open for suggestions.

Tybalt and Mrs. Lilly White tagged Tigger and I for the 7 Random/Weird Facts About Yourself Meme! I did mine HERE!

Here's the 7 Weird/Random Things About Meme:
Tigger says....
1. I only stay inside at night when it is very cold. Other than that it's the great outdoors for me.
2. I love to snuggle.
3. I love to eat whatever meat Mom is making Dad's sandwiches with. Ham, turkey, roast beef, tuna and anything else she uses.
4. When I do sleep in the house, I love to sleep on Mom's bed right next to her.
5. I like to chase Samantha around the yard at night.
6. I like to lick all the fur off my belly at least once a year.
7. Dad is my favorite person. He lets me sleep and play on his jeep.

We tag any cat, who wants to do this, since a lot of you already have done it.
Our furiends Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie-Pooh are doing this Meme at Alasandra's Blog.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah, Tigger,
I am very happy to learn more about you~!
You are very close to beans especially your daddy, I think that is perfect~!!!!!

Daisy said...

Wow, you get to hang out Outside all night long? I'll bet you see lots of fun and exciting things out there.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Tigger, it's pretty cool staying out all night isn't it. I don't do it too often cause it upsets the humans in my household plus I have to look after the girls now. They would get into all sorts of trouble without me.

I am doing my MEME Friday.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Tigger, we enjoyed learning more about you. We think you are very brave to stay outside, since outside is very scary and dangerous!

M-Cats sounds great. :)



Be furry careful when you stay out... we love the M-Cats! That sounds classy!

Ping and Jinx (the M-Cats)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Isn't an M-cat the test you take to get to med school?

Just a thought... you might get some interesting inquiries! :)

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We like M-Cats! We cannot wait!

Ingrid said...

I see you lead the same life as my Arthur ! When the weather is nice he is mostly outside. Now he suffers because it is cold, the neighbors are all inside and nobody digs in the garden where normally he helps.
I learned today the word "Mancat" but it isn't in my dictionary I suppose it means a male cat ??

Anonymous said...

Hi there handsome! I love to learn more about my loving mancat. Bouncey says a mancat club is a great idea and he would join, speshally since he is overrun with sisters at home.

It is snowing like crazy here. I hope mom gets to come home early today.

Nose kisses and purrs,
Your loving girlcat Trixie

PB 'n J said...

Oooh - the M-Cats sounds cool, there are two ManCats here that would love to join!

We'd love to stay out all night, and sometimes in summer we get to - but most of the time Mommy makes us come in and go to bed.

Also, we left a little something for you on our bloggie!

Pearl, Bert and Jake

The Whiskers & Purrs Gang said...

Dear Tigger,
You ain't is purrfect! Except for the fact you like to go outdoors...ooooh...we think the big outdoors is spooky!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

I don't miss the outdoors at night. Of course now that I don't like near alligators it might be bettor. ~Queen Snickers

Tybalt said...

I can't wait for the Mancat Club to officially start!

I bet you have all sorts of adventures outside at night, Tigger. I spend most of my nights curled up next to mommy sleeping . . . or wrestling with my sisters.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yeah, a place fur mancats to hang out! My sisfurs say I'm not mancat enuff to be a member but dat is just cuz I am nice and respectful to dem...hey, I'm a gentleman. Dey get all whiney when I try to act manly wif dem and push dem around so I just let dem haf der way...

The Meezers or Billy said...

can we join the M-Cats? it sounds like so much fun!

Artsy Catsy said...

Tigger, you get to go outside all night?!!!! Whoa, dude, good thing we're gonna have M-Cats so I can go out at night, too! Oscar, Ivan, Fracas and I are checking our wardrobes and styling our hair and we are SO ready!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I go outside at night too, but only when it is not too cold.

What's the M-cat?

Kaz's Cats said...

G'day Tigger, Excellent meme - it's great that you've got outside privileges, although make sure you're careful. We read that in some parts of Florida you have alley-gators - and they sound way more fierce that alley-cats - so keep an eye out.

We're glad to see that you help your mom put meat on your dad's sandwiches - that's very responsible of you.

As for the M-Cats, well that sounds like a good club for any mancats (male cats) at a loose end.

Purrs from downunder

Gypsy & Tasha

Jan Price said...

How nice to learn more about you. But why do you lick all the fur off your belly at least once a year?

jans funny farm