1. Mom it's here.

2. It's from Tasha, all the way in Australia.

3. Wow! Cool Stuff!

4. It sure smells good and there's a fluffy mouse.

5. Look a cat stocking filled with toys.

6. There's a calendar for Mom. It has neat pictures of Australia.

7. Quick open it up!!

8. Look a football. Go Jags!

9. Here's a nice letter with Tasha's picture and a card.

10. I'm sharing with Samantha.

11. Time out to groom myself.

12. There's a blue and red fluffy mouse, a mouse that moves, lots of chew toys, a dinosaur with catnip, balls and a toy on a string.

13. This was wonderful and I'm going to have lots of fun. Thanks Tasha!!!!
How Wonderful~!!! You got a great presents~!!!! Congratulations~!!!
I can see you have such a wonderful time~!!!!!!!
That's a great Secret Paws package! :) Lots of wonderful, cool things! Enjoy. :)
Those are some very wonderful Secret Paws presents you got!
What a wonderful package! That was very nice of you to share with your sister!
What a great Secret Paws you got there.
Go Jags!
What a great package!
Wow! What grate Sekret Paws goodies! Woo hoo!
Alla Us
Pee Ess. Did yoo get the emale bout this weekend's Carnival of the Cats? Let us kno pleeze so we don't worry k?
Wow! What a great Secret Paws package . . . and all the way from the land down under!
Tigger, every time you post a close-up pic of yourself, my mommy squeals about how handsome you are. I think I am a little jealous.
Purrs to my sweet Samantha! Happy Thursday, my princess!
you got some neat stuff. scylla &charybdis
What a QT and oh so much happiness! My Ms. Kitty would love to join the fun, but she has to live with Molly (the Labrador retriever puppy) and misses out on so many fun parties!
Hugs and blessings,
Wow dat looks like so much fun! Are yoo guys coming to da party fur Miss Peach? We'll see yoo over der...
You got lots of great presents!
what a wonderful 13!!!!
You got some great stuff Tigger and it is very nice and gentlemanly of you to share your goodies with Samantha.
Hugs and purrs
Your loving girlcat,
(Bounce and Lucy waving paws) Hi Samantha!
Oh, that looks furry great!
Wow you gots lots of great stuff. Secret paws is just the best!
Thanks for your support. I'm still really mad at the icky Purina folks, but good friends always make me feel better. :)
Oh, I eat Innova seinor dry cat crunchies.
It tastes good and is good for me.
Hi Tigger, I'm so glad you liked your Secret Paws presents! I...er...(blushes slightly) wanted to do a little...er..quality testing myself, just to make sure that everything was up to standard, but Mum assured me that you'd love everything (and probable didn't want my teeth marks everywhere). Anyway, you're a great big brother to share with Samantha,
Purrs from your Secret Paw,
That's a wonderful box of fun from Auz land! You are very lucky Tigger!
Luf, Us
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