Rocky from Artsy Catsy and Millie have given Tigger and I this Thinking Blogger Award! Thanks!
Rocky thinks these are the rules:
1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. In it, link to the thinker(s) who gave you the award.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Go tell your humans you think you need some treats!
5. And, Rocky thinks we need to add this step: (Pretty good idea) Once you've completed steps 1-4, think five thoughts that will verify you're a thinking blogger!
We know this Award has been around for a while, so if you haven't had a chance to do it we tag you!! All of us cats are thinkers, so we think everyone deserves it.
As for #5, we will finish those thoughts in the morning!
We know this Award has been around for a while, so if you haven't had a chance to do it we tag you!! All of us cats are thinkers, so we think everyone deserves it.
As for #5, we will finish those thoughts in the morning!
Wow, you are the first cat I meet who loves ice cream ! My cats don't like sweet things at all !
Wowww icecream~~~~ That is really amazing~!!!!!
And in this season!!!!!
You are really a very special girl, Samantha~!
That was very nice of your mom to share her ice cream with you after all the chocolate was off, Samantha.
Congratulations on your award! :)
Oh Sam that ice cream looks yummy! We all love ice cream too.
Wanna come over and snuggle with me Tigger? It is rainy today and perfect snoozing weather. I miss you!
Your loving girlcat,
Ice cream sounds so good. How is you cats have your humans so well trained?
Mmm icecream! I have to steal it if I want any! ~Queen Snickers
I think I like Ice Cream and now I want some!
My princess . . . you look so adorable enjoying your ice cream! Congratulations to you and Tigger for the award . . . it is very much deserved!
Purrs and nosekisses to my sweet Samantha.
Oh Samantha, you are soooo lucky! I never get any licks until the treat is down to the stick.
I love sharing Mom's ice cream, too. Trouble is now that she's dieting again, I hardly ever get any. I don't have a weight problem, so I think I should have my OWN ice cream!
YOU have grate taste!
Mmmm ice cream is yummy!
Of course I would love to share some ice cream with you! I'll be right over, with sprinkles and whipped cream!
How much I hate the cold, I LOVE icecream!! Only I don't get it so much as I would, so I biggefied every photo from it with you! :-)
We love ice cream! We are like you tho - we never get the chocolate!
Oh we love ice cream - any time of year! But we tend to perfer vanilla to chocloate - it's nice of your mom to eat all the choclate off so you can have some too!
Congratulations on your award!
Weve nefer had "iced crean" before. It sounds real innerestin!
DANG!!! You gots the best mommy EVER! We never ever NEVER gits to eat ice creams! What does it taste like???
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
That ice cream sure looks yummy!! You look very cute eating it off of the stick.
Oh, ice cream. Sounds good.
Mr. Hendrix changed the update on Sonny. He's eaten up with cancer and headed for the Bridge. It's very sad.
jans funny farm
ICE CREAM! Yoo had ice cream! Yummy, yummy ice cream. Mooooom we want ice cream...
Ice Cream!!!! & an Award???? What could be better???? Congrats on gettin' some of both!!!
We love Ice Cream, but we don't get it often at all. Mom can't eat it very often anymore because it hurts her tummy.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Samantha, you are so lucky to get to taste the ice cream. It's so yummy. We like it too when Mum has ice cream, 'cos we can usually beg a taste or two from her. Congratulations on the Award too!
Gypsy & Tasha
PS We'll accept your tag for the Thinking Blogger Award and post about it at the weekend.
Samantha, you're a lucky girl your Mom shares ice cream with you like that. It looks very yummy :-)
Congratulations to the both of you on your award!
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