Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday with Samantha & Tigger


Gypsy at heart said...

Now, cats know how to relax!

Shesawriter said...

You're cats are cute and cuddly! Love em!

Happy WW!

Here's mine. :-)

**"Liza"** said...

ohhh looks like hes very comfy..;)
I hope you had a Blast New Year Eve! Post mine too

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah you both look so tired~!
Are you playing too rough on New YEAR~~ hehehehehe~!!!

Have a great dream to both of you!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Figured it was the morning after the New Year's party.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh yeah, sleepies are grate! Our favrit thing ta do...

Anonymous said...

Cute cat!My sister loves cats also!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

The cat in the 2nd picture looks cute sleeping that way!!

LadyNoor said...

Oh how I love cats... They're gorgeous!

Happy WW!

My Wordless Wednesday

HartofDixie said...

Lucky cats to have such a comfy place. Happy WW!

Jan Parrish said...

If only I could sleep as easily in weird positions. LOL

May 2008 be even better for you than 2007.

Ingrid said...

I also have "the day after" pictures, lol !

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Sleeping is the best thing to do the day after New Year's!!

Happy New Year!!

I am very jealous of your wrapping paper. I didn't get ANY this year!! Or boxes either! We hope you had a great Christmas!


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Oh, and I wanted to mention, did you see our CSA on those tinsel balls we posted a few days ago? You should go see, it's very important!

Shelia said...

Beautiful kittys! Happy New Year and Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Nothing is better than a nap, except maybe the next nap. =^..^=

Gandalf & Grayson

Leslie said...

Oh you two look SO peaceful. :)

Parker said...

The hoildays really wear a kitty out!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like yoo been burning the candle bofe ends.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam and Tigger, Oh it is a great day for a nap. It takes some time to recover from New Year's Eve.

Can we teleport over to snuggle with you? It is very cold here and they are talking about *s*n*o*w! Brr.

Your loving girlcat,

LZ said...

We really should all have a nap-a-thon!


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

You look very comfy!!

catsynth said...

So comfy and sweet.
Seems like a great day all around for napping. Unfortunately, some of us have to go back to work today :(

Happy New Year and happy WW.

Unknown said...

Yoo two are first class sleeperz

Zazzy said...

They look so very comfortable they make me want to take a nap! Happy New Year!

SophieKitty said...

You guys look very comfy. I love to sleep on the sofa cushions like that. Thanks for stopping by my blog and making me feel welcome!



Artsy Catsy said...

You've got the right idea, Sam & Tigger. I keep trying to get some R&R, but my human keeps rattling papers ... something about taxes?


Irishcoda said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, Samantha & Tigger and happy WW, too, you guys look like you're still recovering from New Year's Eve! :D

Siani said...

My cats love to sleep on the back of the couch, too. Sometimes, they get too comfortable, and fall off.

Happy New Year!

My WW pics are up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.

Tybalt said...

Oh Samantha, you look ever so lovely in that picture. Purrrs to you, my princess.

Happy New Year!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You look so cute snoozing there!

Daisy said...

You two sure know how to relax!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We slept in this morning too. Mostly cuz mom kept waking us up all night and we hardly got but 10 hours of sleep!

Sunny's Mommy said...

You two got great spots for napping!

Happy New Year to everyone in your family :-)

Patti said...

Nap time! Cute pictures! Happy New Year!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Ah, that is exactly how I spent the day. Isn't it great to be a cat?!?

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

Now, that's how you relax!
I'm going to go do that...

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You two look very restful!
Sure will barrack for your teams. See, I am practicing my routine with the help of my visitor Charlotte and driving SS crazy. She thinks it's the nip I had lately at the parties!

Willow said...

China Cat & I were very tired today also! Those are terrific pictures of you two today! I personally don't believe that the holidays are over so I am still hiding under the bed!!!

Purrrrrrrs, Willow