Life From A Cat's Perspective Special Pages
Crazy JUMP Thursday with Mr. Tigger
Mom has being trying to get a JUMP picture of me for Kimo & Sabi's Jump and Shout Contest!! I have been not very cooperative to say the least, but finally she got two! Which one should I use? Help me decide! Also we are still in Stifler's Contest, please vote for us if you haven't already! There is only 2 more days. We are the Hawaii Adventure. Thanks, Mr. Tigger
Hi Tigger! I would be honored to accompany you to Karl and Ruis's wedding tomorrow. Bouncie is bringing Auntie Stinkie and Lucy is looking forward to catching up with Sam and the rest of the girls.
I miss you so much and can't wait to see you again.
Your Trixie
We vote for picture #1. It's hard to see you in picture 2.
Wow! You're just a flash in that second one! You are FAST, buddy! I don't know which to pick - the second one shows off your skill, but you can be seen better in the first one . . . but on the other paw, I also see my sweet tuxie princess in the second one . . . decisions, decisions.
Oh Samantha, my darling, of course I will be your date for the big wedding! My mommy is going to be out and busy all day, so the two of us will be unchaperoned! I hope that isn't a problem for your mom . . . I promise to be a gentlemancat. Purrrs, my princess!
Piksher one, cuz yoo look like a ghost kitty in da second piksher.
I like picture #1 best, too! It's funny how your leg is still halfway hanging down.
I like #1 best, too, although #2 really shows some fasssst moves.
Missy Blue Eyes
And thank you, Mr. Tigger and Samantha, for the BD/GD wishes.
Missy Blue Eyes
pee ess: Can you believe my Mommy ML was AFRAID of cats up until she got me? I must have done something right, cause now there's SIX of us. Hee hee.
Hmmm. I see she bribed you wif Temptations, Tigger. Maybe she should get more an try a few more pictors. I mean, der are enuf Temptations to keep practicin, right?
I like bof pics. You's amost invisibul in the 2nd one!
Mom just left fanks on yur tribute to Bonnie. It's one week today an hittin her harder. So I's been werkin harder to keep my beans happy by playin wif them an lettin them groom me an give me Temptations!
That is very funky! You are a very fast jumper I can see.
Ghost kittie is jumping!
Ha, ha, ha.....the second picture is so funny! You are jumping so fast you is blurry : )
I would picture #1.
#1 - I love your legs!
First you see me - now you don't! ha ha. I think maybe the first picture, although I like the second one because it is funny.
Purrs, Sukie X
I like the first one best :-)
In #1, we can see that it's you :)
I'm not working well with Mom either ;)
Purrs Mickey
I am impressed with how many cats can read Stifler's blog. Our Spanish is not that good!
That is a far better jump than the woman has gotten out of me lately!
Great Jump picture! We couldnt coordinate ours wif da camera...
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