Thank heavens it's Finally Friday! Just wanted to let you know that Mom is taking care of Gma Rose by herself for two weeks, cause the Lady that helps is on vacation, so we haven't been commenting as much as we'd like. Things will be back to normal after the 4th of July. S & Mr. T

Board the Friday Ark at The Modulator (submit your post here)
Weekend Cat Blogging is being held at Stellaluna’s
(see the weeks host to enter your WCB post in the comments for the weekend roundup)
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is at Pet’s Garden Blog
(submit your post here)
The Carnival of the Cats is going to Victor Tabbycat’s Sunday Evening
(submit your post here)
I hope you are getting enough time with our person while she is busy! After all you guys are a priority!
Give your mom lots of love and support while she is taking care of hers!
Whut have you plotted so far?
Have a good weekend, Sam & Tigger!
We just know your sending lots of purrs and headbutts your mommas and her mommas way!
So we is sending a whole bushel
of purrs and hugs!
Hey, if you help your Mom take care of Gma Rose, it'll make it that much easier for everyone, Samantha & Mr Tigger! We're jealous that you get to outside when it's dark!
We understand! Be good kitties and help your Mommy, OK?
Have a great weekend all of you!
Happy Weekend to you guys!
Oh, Sammie-Pie! I'll be right over to help you and your mommy! Purrs, my tuxie princess!
Oh, we know yoo is helping yoor momma take care of her momma cuz we kitties is good at dat. Have a great weekend...purrs
Ooh, plotting! Sounds like fun!
Now don't you too give your Mom a hard time while she's super busy with Gma... in fact, you ought to lending a helping hand, er paw!
Don't get into too much trouble outside at night while your mom is busy taking care of her human.
oh, it's ok guys...our mommy often bitten by the monster busy too;) we understand..
meaouwy troops
TGIF! What are you plotting to do?
Yeah, what are you plotting? Does it involve treats?
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