We are purrring for Emil to come home! Please join us!
Here I am supervising Mom as she works on our Blogs!
Check out the M-Cats Club-Monday ManCat Members!
Trixie want to come share the top of
the filing cabinet with me?
Check out the M-Cats Club-Monday ManCat Members!
Trixie want to come share the top of
the filing cabinet with me?

We are lookin out the windows and callin ta Emil while we are outside in case he comes aroun here!
Mr. Tigger, high places are the best!
I'm purring for Emil, too.
Us ManCats are leading the strong, loud purrs for Emil today.
That's a good perch you got there, Mr. Tigger.
.... Smokey
Mr. T you sure are looking mancatly today!
Hi Tigger, filing cabinets are great for sitting on. When I get on top or our tallest filling caninet I am taller then the beans.
Will keep a lookout for Emil, hey maybe he is in the missing van. Hope he comes home soon, everyone here is very worried about him. ~Socks
We don't have any mancats here - unless you count my look-a-like ;O)
Purrs, Sukie X
No man cats here, either, but we really like and respect man-cats. I bet your file cabinet is cool on all of that fur too.
Hey Tig! That looks like a great spot to snoopervise from.
Purrs and nosekisses to my lovely tuxie princess!
I am purring that Emil comes back home soon. I'm very worried about him.
Good job snoopervising, Tigger. We are purring and praying for Emil to return home.
Oh dear we were sorry to hear that Emil is missing!
Tigger I will be right over to share your filing cabinet. It is fun to snoopervises Moms!
Your Trixie
You look like you are working very hard.
I am purring and purring for Emil to return soon, too.
I am worried about Emil. I hope he returns home soon!
Speedy has spent the day in purrs fur Emil's safe return...we haf been purraying all day too. He just hasta come home safe and sound.
We wanted to stop by and say thank you for celebrating with us this weekend. Sorry we couldn't stop by sooner, but we've been having problems with our internet connection...Anyway, we just wanted to express our thanks!
Purrs and Headbutts,
Moki and Family
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