This is Our 500th Post!!
Tigger and I want to thank all of our wonderful Blog furiends for making this such fun!
Tigger and I want to thank all of our wonderful Blog furiends for making this such fun!
Mr. Echo Tagged Tigger and I for the Five Sense"A"Shuns Meme that Zoolatry started! He did his already, so here is mine......

2. With my soft nose I can smell my temptations..........

3. With my velvet paws I can touch Dad's feets ........

4. With my sharp ears I can hear Mo & Jo playing in our yard.........

5. With my sandpaper tongue I can taste Mom's hand........

Oh HAPPPY 500TH!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!! Dis callz fur a partee of some sort, don't you tink???? I waz just stoppin' by to wishez you all peaz, but now I tink I yam gonna cooks you a whole roastie beast or mebbe a HAM?????
I adorez you both, Dr TWeety
Congratulations on your 500th post!
Oh, 500th post?
And such a good one, too. Love the answers and photos.
Missy Blue Eyes
Happy 500th post to you~!!!
I enjoy watching your photos with love so much~!!!
Hooray for your 500th post, Sam and Mr. Tigger!
Thanx for sharing with us your 5 senseAshuns, Sam.. We particularly like the one where u taste ur mommie's hand! :)
Congrats on your 500th post. ~Socks, S & C
Concatyoolayshuns on 500 posts. Does your mum's hand taste good?
Holy Cats, 500 posts? Concatulations!!
Concatulations on your 500th post! It was a great one!
Congratulations on your 500th post!
Purrs, Sukie X
Wow! Congratulations on your 500th post!
Oh, Sammie-Pie . . . you did such a wonderful job with that meme! How I wish you could touch me with your velvet paws . . .
Concatulations on your 500th!! You all ROCK!!
Great meme!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Grate job on your meme! And concats on the 500th post. I gots a long ways to go til I get thare. Purrs!
Woohoo! Congratulations on your 500th post!
Yea for 500!
whoo hooo! Congratualions on your 500th post! That is a big accomplishment. I'm so glad we got to be friends!
PSI think Tybalt probably has heart palpitations whenever he sees that photo on your header Samantha!
Love that picture of you & your dad's feets! Congratulations on your 500th post!!!
Congrats on your 500th post. Next target 1000th post.. hehe :P
Congratulations! And what a great post on sense-a-shuns, we loved it.
500 posts!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!! Awesome!! :)
I love the meme too,especially the one with your Dad's foot :)
Purrs Mickey
Congratulations on your 500th post! I really like the picture of you tasting your The Mom's hand. heh heh
500! Wow, dat's a milestone, concatulashuns. We like to taste mom too...she's furry tasty.
Congratulations, Samantha and Tigger, on your 500th post! That's a lot of hard work by you two!
I really like your meme, Samantha :-D
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