Life From A Cat's Perspective Special Pages
Tuxie Tuesday with Samantha
It's HOT HOT HOT here in Florida! The best place to be in my house in on the cool tile floor! Tybalt wanna come over and cool off with me???? Please go by and visit the other Tuxies on Tuesday!
You look cool even when you're hot, Samantha! :)
I couldn't get your blog to load earlier; I'm glad I could get in now!
We also have very hot weather here, I barely don't wanna move.
Samantha, you look hot!! It is also very hot in south georgia! We are purring for rain!
Cool tiles are a great place to be on a hot day Sam. It is very hot here too!
Your pals,
Hi Tigger, I'll be right over to snuggle with you. I have missed you a lot!
oh wow! Dat looks likes our tile floor too. It's so much cooler when they blasts the cool air and it blows on the floors for us kittys, isn't its?
You look comfortable on the tile floor, Sam!
The sinks are the coolest thing in our house and I've been spending tons of time in there. It's been super hot here too! Over 100F for the last week. UGH!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
I am so glad It doesn't get that hot here in the UK. I don't think we could stand it.
Purrs, Sukie X
I'll be right over, my tuxie princess!
Looks like you're doing a good job staying cool Samantha (or may that's just you :-)!
Laying on the tile floor feels cool on the tummy!
I need some tiles! It's getting tough to find a cool place. I think it's about time for the air conditioner mom!
That looks nice and cool!!! My favorite cooling off spot is under the couch.
Thanks for stopping by! That looks like a nice cool place to stay. Things in ITaly are starting to warm up. It sure does get hot over here in the summer. It is even worse cause the Italians don't seem to like the AC the way we Americans do. What is a cat with lots of fur to do????
Kitty kisses from ITaly,
Opus and Roscoe
Hooo boy, I can only imagine how hot it is in FL. It's brutal and we're in the mid-Atlantic. Our temps felt like it was around 101-103. Bet it was hotter in FL!
Oh, that does look cool. It is up in the 80s here which is hot for London, we don't have a tile floor or air con but my mum put the fan on for me which was nice. It's too hot today to be a floofy cat.
Whew, yoo look purrty cool on dem tiles. Dat's a nice pose Sam. It finally stopped raining here and we had some sunshine. We took advantage of it by laying in sunbeams while mom and dad worked in da yard.
The floor is definitely a good place for kitties in the summer! It's so cool on a hot belly.
It is hot, hot hot, here too! 98F degrees today! We hate this heat wave!
Haven't visited u guys in a bit, thought I'd stop by and say hey, hey
Lotsa ploppin' going on here, too!
the purries from
Purrchance To Dream
and Not The Mama
It's hot here in Missouri but your tile looks very cool!
Thanks for purring for my dad - he came home last night after his surgery and I think that he feels better because of all the purrs!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
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