This is Tybalt, my boyfriendcat! Isn't he so handsome? I could stare at his picture all day long! Sigh! Wanna come over and snuggle with me Ty? Purrrrs, Sammie-Pie
Please visit The Tuxedo Gang Hideout for more Tuxies on Tuesday!!
Check out Tigger, he won the JUMP part at Kimo & Sabi's Contest!
He is a cutie!
I think you and Tybalt make a very cute couple.
Missy Blue Eyes
your boyfriend is HOT!
Concatulations again to Mr. Tigger! Please email us to let us know whut prize you want!
Hubba hubba! :D
p/S: Pls send our congrats to Mr. Tigger on his winning JUMP! :)
Looking good, Sam! You have great whiskers! :)
He is very handsome Sam, you make a lovely couple.
Concats to Mr. Tigger furr his winning entry in Kimo and Sabi's compytishun.
You are a very lucky kitty. Tybalt is handsome and very nice too!
What a handsome couple! You are so beautiful, Samantha!
Whoo hoo....your boyfriend is very handsome!!! What a beautiful couple!
Love, the Taylor CatSSS (girls)
He is very handsome. And you look beautiful in that header!
A handsome couple indeed.
Purrs, Sukie X
He is one very handsome cat. Almost as handsome as my Latte!
Oh, my darling Sammie-Pie! I am so honored by your post today! And your header pic has me fanning myself with my paws! I will be right over for that snuggle, my Tuxie Princess!
Oh, and congrats to Tig for winning the contest!
Wow, Samantha, Tybalt is one lucky ManCat!
Yoo guys is haffing a great week so far! Haf fun wif Ty, he is a great mancat.
Yes! You got a winner for a sweetheart! BOTH of you!! hehehe
~Queen Snickers
Tybalt is very, very handsome :-)
Congratulations to Tigger! That's fabulous.
And Samantha, you and Tybalt make a precious couple!
Things went well at the vet, I'm happy to say. :) Thank you so much for your thoughts and purrs for me!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Very nice photos of both you and Tybalt.
Tybalt's lucky to have you, Samantha! :)
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