Monday, September 29, 2008

ManCat Monday with Mr. Tigger

This ManCat Monday is dedicated to my love, Trixie!
I hope you like this poem I found!
You are the Star Of My Life!

Star Of My Life

A look from you is as blinding as the sun,
As stunning as your eyes I lose myself in.
A look from you is as pure as the clear blue sky,
When I'm with you.

Every minute I'm not around you,
I feel like I left something behind.
Every time I'm not looking at you,
I feel like I am blind.

A smile from you is as electrifying as the moon,
A smile from you is as calming as the stars in the sky,
You are the love of my life!

Thanks Mickey for letting me use this picture!

Please check out the other M-Cats On Monday!


Anonymous said...

Mr Tiger you sly dog ;)
That is so very beautiful, I iz sure she will melt :))


Forever Foster said...

What a lovely mancat you are! :)

Ana said...

You 2 make quite a good couple! ;-)

You are the winners of our little birthday contest! Unfortunately nobody guessed the right age but yours was the nearest! Please email us your address and we can send you the delicious dried fish! :-)

Anonymous said...

Awww, that was very sweet, Mr. Tigger!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Mr. Tigger, that is SOOO sweet! You are a wonderful boyfurriend cat to Trixie! That is a lovely picture of you two!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Anonymous said...

Mr Tigger, yoo is so loveable! No wonder Trixie saidid yes to yoo!!

~ Shadow ~

Maggie May said...

Mr. Tigger, that was just loverly!
~The Creek Cats~

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I bet Trixie is so tickled!

Daisy said...

I think Trixie is going to swoon!

Tybalt said...

You sure are one romantic mancat, Tig! Maybe I can get some tips from you.

Purrs to my sweet tuxie princess!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Scylla & Charybdis are swooning over how romantic you are. ~Socks

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That was a very sweet poen Mr Tigger!

Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet mancat, what an absolutely beautiful poem! I am so honored and happy to be the Star of your life. I am coming right over to give you a huge hug and smooch!

Love, hugs and nosekisses,
Your Trixie

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is beautiful :-) You are a sweet mancat, Mr. Tigger.

Sassy Kat said...

Wow, how romantic. What a sweetie of a boyfriend you are.

The Island Cats said...

You two look great together!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Awww Mr. Tigger, you are a romantic.

Isis said...

Awww thats too cute!

Anonymous said...


Asta said...

That is a bootiful and womantic poem and Trixie is Gowgeous..I'm suwe she will love it
thanks fow youw concatulations on my appointment
smoochie kisses to you and Samantha

The Crew said...

Oh, you two make such a cute couple!
