Friday, October 24, 2008

Finally Friday with Samantha & Mr. Tigger

I love to play in sacks! They make the coolest sound! We got some great Awards and Mom is working on them! In the mean time, we are going to chill out while Mom has fun with the relatives!! PS: The two pictures of the cool trees are of the Bryson City, NC area! A couple of commenters on Wordless Wednesday thought they were of Florida! Nope our trees are only green 365 days of the year!


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Bryson City's trees are very beautiful~!!!
Reminds me that fall is a very lovely season~!
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

When you said sacks i thought you meant the hessian sort we get in the UK - and I was puzzled 'cos they don't make a sound. Then I looked at the picture and realised it was a language diffeence - 'cos you mean plastic carrier bags! And they DO make a noise. I used to love them too - but now Mom has gone "green" we don't do plastic bags. Such is life. Le sigh!

Did you notice I was first this morning? (sort of!)

Parker said...

Have a great Friday!

Babs (Beetle) said...

We used to love plastic bags, but we don't get them much any more. Only when MM forget to take her shopping bags with her.

The Island Cats said...

We haven't met a sack we didn't like!

Have a great Friday!

LZ said...

I really wish our trees were green all year long. We hear you guys are in charge of the Floof category in our Fall Contest. If you wouldn't mind e-mail us your winner and prize we'd like to post them all on Monday.

Tybalt said...

Crinkly plastic bags are the best! Especially for snuggling on.

Purrs to my Sammie-Pie. <3

Oh, and Tig, Diamond's brother Tristan wants to join the M-Cats club and hang out with us. What should he do?

Anonymous said...

The trees look like someone has dropped a whole heap of paints on the ground, so very pretty!
Samantha you look so cross in that picture, who gotted you angry or is that determined face? :)


Daisy said...

I love bags, too! The crinklier, the betterer. We knew that was not Florida!

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

We love the brown grocery bags...sacks. Mom won't let us play with the plastic, since they can be somewhat dangerous. Ernie got caught in the handles once, (he was kinda fat) we had a hard time catching him to get him out. It really scared him. He was running all over the place.

Thanks for visiting and wishing us a “Happy 1st Blogoversary”
We love our friends.

(((HUGS)))Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernie’s Voice

PB 'n J said...

Oh, a sack - what fun!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Samantha, that plastic bag is the purrfect fit for you :-D Rascal likes plastic bags, but only to lick on. She likes brown paper bags to get in to. Sometimes she chases her tail in the paper bag :-0

Have a great weekend and a great visit with your family!

Whimpurr said...

Samantha, you are looking mighty stunning today in your sack! Sacks are such GREAT fun, aren't they?

Mr. Tigger, you look like you are up to mischief! Have fun at it! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Well, we certainly knew they weren't Florida trees! We lived there for the forest few years of our lives and Mom lived there for over 30 - we only had green and lighter green, or dead brown. hahaha!

BeadedTail said...

Samantha, you look so cute in that bag!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

**crinklecrinkle** What, did yoo say something? We were just playing wif our crinkly bags...

Anonymous said...

I love bags too, they are great to lick!!

~ Shadow ~

Toulouse said...

I like to play in big brown paper bags or boxes. They're easier to get in and out of! *giggles*

The trees this year are very pretty aren't they? We're to get snow on Monday and mommy ain't happy! :((


Sassy Kat said...

I don't like to play in sacks, sometimes you can get stuck inside and that is scarey. Especially the ones with little handles on them, they can get caught around your neck and you run, and run, and run, trying to get away and the humans laught at you. Nope, I don't like the sacks. Not that I ever have got stuck in one.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You look so cute sitting there. have a good weekend!