Monday, December 8, 2008

ManCat Monday & Awards

Mom is giving me head scritches this Monday as we finally get our Awards put up!! Thanks to all who gave them to us. We appreciate them all! Dad is doing better and Mom is still okay, too!! Trixie want to come over and snuggle!! It's suppose to get warm! Check out the M-Cats Club-Mancat Monday Member!

Tybalt, Samantha's Boyfriend gave this to us!
Samantha & Mr. Tigger

"With the Premium Dardos, recognize the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words."
Thank you very much Tybalt , we will try my best to live up the values of this award!

We now wish to pass this award on to: Lucy & Trixie, Zippy, Sadie & Speedy, Purrchance to Dream, jeter harris, and KC, Missy & The Sherwood Bunch!

George, Tipper, Max and Misty of Crews Views, Jack & Scout from Two Greyhound Town,
Maria Michelle's Furkids & Animal Rescue and Skitto, Peanut & Chyanne gave us this great Award. The Butterfly Award is given to sites which the giver belives is a truly cool blog.
We want to pass it on to ...... Jimbo, Siena & Chilli, Cory Cat Blog, and Peggy's Place.

Colby & Cheezit, Jack & Scout from Two Greyhound Town and Skitto, Peanut & Chyanne gave this I Love Your Blog award to us! We give it to......Mitzi, Sukie & Livvie, Lucy & Trixie, Abby & Stygia, and Puddleglum.

Maria Michelle's Furkids & Animal Rescue gave us this Award!

The Lemonade Award is given to sites which the giver show either great attitude and or gratitude.

The rules for these awards are:

1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate 10 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

We nominate Tybalt, Lucy & Trixie, Milo & Alfie, The Cat Blogosphere, The Real Cats, Kiddo, TopCatRules,
Zoolatry, and Skeezix!!


Anonymous said...

Thanyou so much for the award - Alfie is quite beside himself 'cos it's his very FIRST award ever. He's such a baby!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Congrats on all the awards. ~S,S & C

The Island Cats said...

Those are alot of awards! Congrats!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Concatulations on all da well deserved awards...and thank yoo for da award to us! We're still waiting for mom to take "a day to herself" but we'll make her post it a.s.a.p. Can we come visit? It's cold here and dey keep saying another big snowstorm is coming.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Wow! that is a lot of awards! Congratulations :O)

Thank you for passing one on to us. We are honoured!

Purrs, Sukie x

Maggie May said...

Gee, thanks so much for the award Samantha and Mr. Tigger! We have never gotten the Lemonade Award before! This is great!!!
~The Creek Cats~

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Congratulations on all your awards! I love you cute Christmas picture at top wearing those Santa hats! So cute!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats on all your well deserved awards.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations on all your awards.

Kiddo said...

Congratulations on your awards and thankyou so much for the lemonade award! It's my first award ever!


Kellykat said...

Thank you for offering me support for my sugery. I really appreciate it. I feel very special to know that so many wonderful kitties and beans care about me. I can't wait to feel better so I can catch up on your blog. Happy Holidays.

Cafe Cats said...

Concatulations on all of your awards!

Cat with a Garden said...

Concats to all your awards! My oh my, you are LOADED with awards. And thank you furry much for passing on the Flutterby Award to us. Chilli is extremely excited since it is her first one!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Leslie said...

We are SO excited about the Loemonade award! Woo hoo maties!

We are doing happy dances - well, Trixie and Pyewascket are... Tigger is sound asleep. :)

We will make a list and pass it on this weekend.

Hugs and loud purrs from Tigger and Trixie and Pyewacket :)

Sandee said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, how cute. Congratulations on all the cool awards. Have a purrfect day. :)

Sunny's Mommy said...

Congratulations on all those wonderful awards :-D

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all your awardies! :))

and thank you for your birfday wishes!!! Samantha you make-ed me blush, specialy coming from a puretty gurl like yourself... and besides I haz a gurlfuriend cat who is very special, but I still spreads the love, it is good to makes people smile.. well try anyway ;)
Thank you for thinking about my meme :) There is no hurry and I visits all the time so I will see it whenever you get time :))
Has a great day fuuriends! :)