Monday, December 29, 2008

ManCat Monday with Mr. Tigger

Here is my Secret Paws package from Wendell! He doesn't have his own blog yet, so here is a cute VIDEO of him! Hey! He kinda looks like me! Thank you very much it is a wonderful package. I love the big grey mouse!! Mom thinks it looks way to real, so now I can tease her with it!!! Cool fun. It had Temptations and nip toys, too! Thanks for the gifts! Trixie wanna come share my new toys. It's going to be 80 degrees today, so we can go on a picnic in the back yard!


Anonymous said...

hahah My Momma has been very slack with posting even so I thinks it is ok if your Momma is still working on the pictures eh? ;)
It looks like your secret paws was very fun I can't wait to see more :)


Parker said...

Your Secret Paws stuff looks wonderful!

The Creek Cats said...

Oh wow! Looks like you got some really cool stuff there, Mr. Tigger!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Wow!!! Lookit the size of that mousie!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I see Temptations!!!!

The Island Cats said...

Wow! That's a lot of great stuff to play with! And Temptations! Whoohoo!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a great paw! Lots of temptations I see!

castle diva said...

That mouse looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

Ms. P and Cinza

Kiddo said...

Yay for toys and treats!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We got your card today. Thank you.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, he does look a lot like yoo...we watched him molest a sock and said "hey, feet smell, mmm". Dat mouse looks like a rat...hehehe

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh wow! What a great package. Trixie will love helping you play with those (I think Samantha will too...)

We're so glad you all had such a great Christmas! We're wishing you a happy, healthy New Year.

PS Samantha, that kitten picture of you and your sibs below made us squeeeee

mog said...

Those look like great mousies, the one looks so real. Meowza would love to help you play with those too. Looks like you had a great Christmas.

3 Cat Blog said...

Oh wow! Look at the size of that mousie! very nice gifts. and cute video, lol.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Arghhh! Your blog kept going away just as I started typing. Third time lucky! Nice package you have there! Which reminds me - SS, go and get some Temptations for me!

Karen Jo said...

That big mousie does look very real. You got lots of Temptations, too. Have a great time.

Anonymous said...

Eeeeek... that mouse does look real - and so BIG!

Thanks for the lovely Christmas card Samantha and Mr. Tigger - we just picked it up at the PO today. It was a lovely surprise :)

Happy New Year!

Everycat said...

That is one wonderful Secret Paws package! That mouse is enormous and should be great for giving da big bunnykicks to, not to mention da bitey!
