Friday, January 16, 2009

Review of Episode 4 in the CCSI Series-The Momomo Caper by Samantha Black

Thank Heavens, it's Finally Friday!! Since I didn't finish the whole review till late last night, I am posting the entire review for your Reading Pleasure today!! I hope you enjoy it! Samantha Black
This is the 4th Episode in the HUGELY popular Series Cat/Canine Crime Scene Investigations, from Little Productions! It is Executive Produced & Casted by Sassy Cat Little, Directed by Opus, and Written By Karl!

This Episode "The Momomo Caper" is full of intrigue, greed, poisoning and suspense! Someone has poisoned Super Rich Mr. Kroesus! Could it be The Wife, The Maid, The Kids or The Herbal Lady? Watch while Detective Klug & Inspector Spuren investigate! Will The Doctor find out who posioned Mr. Kroesus (aka) Momomo before it is too late to save him?
Mrs. Kroesus found her husband Mr. Kroesus ill!! Doctor Quaksalber suspected poisoning! Was someone after Mr. Kroesus MONEY???
The CCSI Team of Detective Klug and Inspector Spuren were called in to investigate! Likely suspects were The Maid, The Kids-Paul Junior & Eva Marie, and The Wife! Then Detective Klug asks, "Where did the tea come from?" The Maid says, "I got it from the Herbal Lady who lives at the edge of the Forest!"
Detective Klug & Inspector Spuren head to the Forest where the Herbal Lady lives!! They look in her window and find her slumped over in her chair! They call an Ambulance and find out she was poisoned, too! What is happening??? Where is the posion coming from?? Who is doing the posioning???
Detective Klug & Inspector Spuren followed the trail to this plant!! And wouldn't you just know the________was behind it all! The Herbal Lady & Mr. Kroesus made a full recovery!! Now you didn't expect me to just tell you the ending!! That is for you to go to Little Studios and WATCH "The Momomo Caper" for yourself!!
This Chief Repurrrorter gives this Episode a A+ for excellent writing, great directing, wonderful casting and an exciting story! I give it a House of the (Mostly) Black Cats 5 Tail Salute!!


Anonymous said...

*chuckle* that was cute

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We loved the Fourth Episode!!!

Daisy said...

An excellent review! I will be sure to check back for part 2 of your review.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'll be back fur da rest of da review, we really enjoy dis show.

Stop Energy Drains said...

Original and entertaining, will be back to see more! :)

Stop Energy Drains said...

I love how you keep changing the backgrounds and pictures on the top... :)

The Creek Cats said...

You're a great reviewer Ms. Samantha Black. We look forward to reading the conculsion!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, how exciting! I can't wait for the conclusion!

Anonymous said...

Ha- I'm still laughing. How cute-

Anonymous said...

We cant wait fer the rest of the review! How excitin

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a fantastic review. That was such a great episode!

Heather in Beautiful BC said...

Hahaha... I love it! Very creative and orginal - I want to know the outcome :) The maid looks suspiciously like you Samantha! Do you have another job besides blogging?

Country Cats said...

Wow we are on the edge of our seats waiting for the next review!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Your review is as good as the show! I look forward to the second part (and your verdict), even though I know the ending.

Irene Walls said...

We love your series. And we love cats too. Come have a look.

Anonymous said...

The butler did it LOL! Sorry, this was fun and what a lot of work for each screen shot :)

Karen Jo said...

I love your review, Samantha. It's almost as much fun as the show.

Tybalt said...

Darling, you are such a wonderful reviewer. Purrrs. I am sorry I haven't visited lately. I'll be right over with some nip and mousies, my princess.

Anonymous said...

What a great story! It definitely deserves a 5 tail salute.

Anonymous said...

What a fun review!

Parker said...

Samantha, you a very good at reviewing.
Great job!

Lux said...

My, there's certainly a lot going on in CCSI!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute and creative!

Cafe Cats said...

YaY! We love CCSI!

Black Cat said...

what a purrfect review! Love your new page design too!

Thanks for your good wishes. Luvzya :) xxx

Anonymous said...

Cute review! :) Very cool pictures..

The Cat Realm said...

What a wonderful review! Thank you Samantha....
And to make it so suspenseful and send viewers over to watch it again - how smart!!!
We got a 5 tails salute - oh my - that is so pawsome!!!! You are the best reviewer!

Sassy Kat said...

Wow!!! Thanks for the great review!!!! It was a wonderful production, if I do say so myself. I am glad you liked it. Thanks for the five tails up!! Sorry I was late in getting over to read it, moth hasn't been too cooperative in letting me visit around lately.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great review!!! Five tails up - that surely is a rare honour. Thankyou!!!!