Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuxie Tuesday with Samantha

Here I am in full Floofiness! And I am amazed that my black fur looks brown underneath!! Check out the other TUXIES on Tuesday! We plan to get back to visiting as soon as Mom gets a new pair of glasses! Her spare pair sees far and close and the computer is in between so she has to squint and it gives her a bad headache! Have a wonderful Tuesday!
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Anlina S. said...

I've often had my black cats take on a brownish tinge, but oddly enough, even when their fur looks really black black from all other angles it always seems to have that bit of brown when looking from underneath.

Not that there's anything wrong with brown - there's a lovely brown cat at our humane society that I would take home in a second if I could.


Anonymous said...

I love your cat!

Karen Jo said...

Your fur looks quite brown from underneath, Samantha. I think it's attractive.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Lady Beans like to change the colour of their furrs, so why shouldn't you? Our mum had three black brother kitties once and she said two of them used to go brown in the winter.

Anonymous said...

I just gave you the "Made My Day" Award at http://zemeks.blogspot.com/2009/01/thanks-liza-for-make-my-day-award.html. You are very floofy!

The Monkeys said...

You're beautiful, Samantha!

Tybalt said...

Oh Sammie-pie . . . I just ADORE all of your wonderful floof!

The Creek Cats said...

Hey Samantha! My black furs have turned brown and we can't figure out why! I think it is cause we are special!

Kiddo said...

Nice floof there, Samantha! I had no idea you had so much!


The Crew said...

It must be the sunlight, Samantha. Sometimes my black looks different in the sun, too.

Max S

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope your person gets some new glasses so she can do your bidding again! I think your furs are just fine. After all, brown is a wonderful color!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ooo, we think yoor furs look kinda auburn in da sun...very attractive! Hope yoor mom gets new glasses purrty soon, mom's haffing headackes is bad, really bad.

Tuck said...

I think you look beautiful no matter what color your fur is!

PurrPrints said...

Yay for the floof!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I just love your floof no matter what color it is!

Anonymous said...

The mom calls that fur color chocolate brown fer some reason. Shadow has the same furs as yoo.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I likes your furs! some of mine and Kirby's black furs are white on bottom!

Anonymous said...

I'm brown too, but my tuxedo brother is real black - where he isn't white.

Strange - but I think your color is lovely.


Sunny's Mommy said...

You do not look happy about that, but I think part of it may be due to the lighting ;-)

I hope your Mom can get her new glasses soon. That's not good that the glasses she has gives her headaches looking at the computer screen. No beans wants a headache.