Monday, February 9, 2009

Tuxie Tuesday with Samantha

UPDATE: We've enabled pop-up comments. Please let us know if that helps you leave comments! Thanks S&T

Awwwwwwwwwww.....the Florida sun and warmth is back!!! And I am catching some sun rays to keep me warm!! Tybalt wanna come over and cuddle in the nice warm sun with me??
Check out what the other Tuxies on Tuesday are doing? Please vote for me at Pet's Garden Blog for Best Silhouete! You can vote once every Hour! And don't forget about the Valentine Contests below!

Skeezix's 3rd Annual Valentines Contest is NOW OPEN!! Go by and send your love a Valentine!

Ariel is also having a Valentines Contest!!
Make a Valentine Card from scratch and then post it on the Contest
site! Come on Kitties! Show off you hidden creative talents!


Country Cats said...

We will vote for you Samantha! Enjoy the sun!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh look at your tail! Mum calls it a teapot tail because it looks like a handle. We will go and vote for you.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures in the sun!

The Monkeys said...

Samantha, you're sooo pretty in the sun!


Sandee said...

I voted for you. Good luck.

Have a purrfect day. :)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are quite lovely in the sun. I do not think you are in the same poll as I, so I believe I can vote for you over there!

And yes, now this is not hanging--I wonder what they did that suddenly we couldn't get here?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We like pop up comments. We had a lot of errors on the old comment way! It made Mom say bad words!

Love the sunshine pictures. We will go check out the Silhouete contest!

Daisy said...

We are so happy the warmth is back in Florida! I'm going to go vote now!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Samantha, you look so pretty in the sun! We have sun today, too!

We have an award for you. Hope you do not have it yet, if so, you have two!!
~ Noah

Sunny's Mommy said...

Congratulations on getting your sun and warmth back! That's great!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, Samantha, it looks like ya are really soakin up the sun!

The Island Cats said...

Oh Samantha! You are looking so furry beautiful today!

Leaving a comment was a little easier...but it alwayst takes awhile for your blog page to come up for us...

Whimpurr said...

Samantha, you sure do looking stunning while you are sunning!!! :O) *purrs*

The Furry Kids said...

Samantha, that sun looks super warm on your furs. We had sunshine yesterday, and it felt good to nap in it.


Anonymous said...

You look so cool in that picture Samantha :)

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised to see them venturing outdoors!

veinglory said...

Very handsome!

And yes (thank you) the comments are working *much* better.