UPDATE: Yippee we got our 100+ Comments!! Thanks everyone. We will announce our winner on Sunday!! We reached 50,000+ Visitors!! Everyone who leaves a comment will be entered into the contest! A picture of the the Contest Prize is below! And for everyone who leaves a comment we will donate .25 cents for a Cat Blogosphere Kitty who needs help! If you have already left one comment, you can still leave another one. Thanks!

I'm first! Way cool! 50,000 visitors is quite a landmark. It's very nice of you to donate 25 cents per comment to a kitty in need.
Wow! 50,000 visitors! That's great and you are really doing something special to help kitties in need.
50,000 visitors.....wow that's alot!! And helping out needy kitties, that's a wonderful thing to do!!
My word, you guys are popular (well, that goes without saying really!) and also very nice to help out kitties in need :) xxx
Wow! 50,000. In terms of cat treats, I'll bet a stack of 50,000 would reach the moon!
The donation per comment is a very nice idea!
Fangtastic! 50,000 is amazing. Hope you get 50,000 more!
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Wow, 50,000 visitors, thats a lot! At least momma tells me so. Concats and great contest along with the kitty donation!
Congrats on so many visitors,you two!You guys are great,and really good catmatarians (kitty version of humanitarians) to donate to a good cause.Hope you have a great day!
Wow! That is a lot of visitors. Well Done!
That is so pawesome to donate for every comment! And so wonderpurr that you are going to get that many visitors!!!!
Congratulations on so many visitors. Yay for helping kitties too.
What a great thing to do for your 50,000th visitor!
You guys rock!
Wow congrats on all those visitors!!! You are very generous for helping the kitties, too.
That's a wonderful thing for you guys to do and congratulations on your visitor count!
wow! concatulations!!!!!
Concatulations on 50,000 visitors and a very nice thing to do for every comment.
Pawsome! 50000 bisitors is ALOT! And your donation idea is very nice.
Concatulations on 50,000 visitors!!!! And great job on the donations!!!!!
O, Samantha an Mr. Tigger, you two are tha bestest. An so many visitors.
Wonnerful generous idea to donate to help a cat in need.
Love & Purrs,
50,000! WOW! That is like the population of a town! Congratulations! We just love visiting you two cuties everyday!
Wow, 50,000 visitors sure is a lot of visitors! China Cat & I still have the magnet on our refrigerator from when you only had 10,000 visitors! Congratulations to you and how nice that you are donating to a cat in need!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Wow! I thought you were trying for 50,000 in one day Whew. Concats!
I don't always comment but I do love your blog.
Concats on reaching 50,000 visitors! That's a lot!
50,000 visitors! WOW! Dat's grate! ConCATs!
Nice job on reaching 50,000 visitors! In honor of that milestone, we have declared today a National Day of Nap...see you when we wake up!
Taz, Runt and Charles (and the chief food feeder, tummy scratcher, etc., Anna)
PS Nice of you to donate too. That will help some kitty out.
That is cool!
U are so kind to donate!
Wow! That's a lot of visitors!!! Congrats on that!! And it's so furry cool that you are having a contest to celebrate!
Oh, how neat. 25 cents for every comment to a kitty needing help. That's very nice of you to do.
And 50,000 visitors. That's a lot of traffic. But you have a good blog.
That is a lot of visitors! You two look like you are greating each and every one of us!
Wow! 50,000 visitors sure is a lot!
Lucy and I will be right over to help you count!
Love and nose kisses,
Oh my gosh, look at all those mice!
Abby & Stygia
WOO HOO!! Concats,you guys. we all love reading about you.
Thanks so much for caring about everyone at the CB.
Concatulations on being so popular, but most of all, for being so loved by everyone on the CB:)
I seem to be visitor 50022 (if I'm looking at the right counter thingy)
Oh wow! Is 50,000 even bigger than a squillion? Donating to another kitty is a very nice way to celebrate!
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Concatulations on your big milestone! We are glad you are our friends! (And we hope you're around for a very, VERRRY long time!)
Beau and mom
We just looked at da counter and it sez 50,025! Wow, dat's a lot of visitors and what a way to celebrate, donating to a kitty in need. Yoo two are furry nice, cute too.
This is such a good cause! And WOW, 50.000 visitors are A LOT of visitors! Purrs, Siena & Chilli
How fun. Have a terrific day. :)
I don't thihnk I've had 5000 visitors! congratulations! can i be your 50000th visitor please?
*woo hoo**
DAT is one BIG milestone Samantha and Mr Tigger!Concatulations!!
wow thats alot of visitors! we gots a long way to go before we gets there.
That is SO cool for you to make that donation for every comment!
Daphne, Chloe, Spooker, Little Isis, Jazper, and Pete
(and Mo, too!)
Whoa, 50,000 visitors! You two are the superstars of the CB.
Extra comment for kitties who need help :O)
Purrs, Sukie x
Holy Florida Cats! 50,000 is a lot of visitors...My ticker has climbed that high already too!
Love Miss Peach
Oh I forgot, I should have had one of these cool contest too for mine!
Maybe nexyt time when I hit 75,000 guests...if I still have friends by them with my bad visiting habits I have developed. Have I told you lately that I love you guys!?
Congratulations on 50,000 visitors! You are so generous to donate monies for comments!
WHOOHOO! Congratulations, and what a great thing to do!
Wow! 50,000 visitors is a lot.
we hope you make lots and lots of quarters today!!
Thanks for visiting to wish a happee birfday last week!!
Dazey and Jesse
That is quite a milestone. We're happy to participate in your contest and help our friends :)
Wow thats alot of visitors :) COngrats.
Pixel & Samba
Congratulations on 50,000 + visitors. It is nice that you are donating money to a kitty in need.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Oh boy! That is fantastic! Not only that you're reaching 50,000 visitors, but that you're helping needy kitties. Purrrrrrs
Thank you for the kind words for my family too. purrrrrs
the more quarters the better. so here is another!!!!!
Great photo too by the way.
Yep, I checked your counter, now at 50058. Concats on all of your visitors.
50,000 visitors! That's amazing!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow! 50,000 is a lot of visitors! I think it's great that you are helping kitties in need!!
congratulations ^^
50,000 visitors? Wow! Thats amazing.
50 thousand visitors can't be wrong! Congratulations, and keep up the good work!
I want to be included in the drawing. It is such a wonderful thing you are doing to help those in need.
Missy Blue Eyes
I wants to be counted on tha comments. I do I do I do.
Faith Boomerang
snugglesnugglesnuggle wif Billy SweetFeets :: blush ::
As a handsome, sleek black panther housecat, I want to be counted. And entered in the contest.
How you doin'...
Oh, my, I see sweet Pixel commented just above. I hope she is still my kitty girlfurriend after my attack on Mommy ML. At least she knows I can protect her.
Please count my comment and enter me in the contest.
Smokey aka Smokey Scissorhands
And I also wanted to be counted and entered in the contest. Such a great thing to do.
Your debonair mancat,
OK, I finks that does it fur tha Sherwood Bunch, we's each and effurry one leafed a comment fur tha count and an entry in tha contest.
Those are some grrreat prizies, too.
And such a wonnerful, generous fing to donate an help a kitty in need.
Love & Purrs,
Woo Hoo! Comment right after my purrfect girlfriendcat!
That's 70!
Hi guys!
We are just stopping by to see if you were able to figure out the banner software. We really like your current banner. I just made each picture smaller, there are four arrows and then I was able to add more pictures.
How exciting! I'm sure you will hit 50,000 visitors today.
Nose kisses and hugs to my handsome mancat Tigger!
You are almost to 100! Hewe's hoping you get there!
WooHoo!!!50,000 visitors :O
This is a great idea to help our friends:)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Comment #75 ~ you all are SO cool for doing this! Prizes and money for a good cause - you all ROCK.
Daphne, Chloe, Jazper, Spooker, Little Isis and Pete Underfeet
(and Uncle Mo too!)
Rocky says, he was a rescued kitty and he wants to help too.
We left a comment already, but there are 6 of us so we can leave a second comment, right? Those are very cool prizes and you two are the best!
We left a comment already, but there are 6 of us so we can leave a second comment, right? Those are very cool prizes and you two are the best!
I think its fantaboolous that you awe helping a kitty in need..good luck , I hope you get zillions of signatoowes
smoochie kisses
Tamir says he was from a rescue and hopes you make 100 comments!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Concatulations our friends!
We loves you!
puuurs and love from alla us!
Peee Esss we gotted your email we will come nack to you soon, k? *hugs*
Concatulations on the number of visitors you have had! What a kind donation!
Hey now, the next 50,000 will happen even faster!
Well, I'll just comment again to help you get up to 100. This is a great idea.
Wowie Kazowie! 50,000 Visitors is quite a milestone! Congratulations to you, and here's wishing you another 50,000!
We think you are quite wonderful to make a donation to a needy kitty!
And Bonus! It is Finally Friday! Woo Hoo!
We stopped by again hoping you had reached your goal!
I'm here, Sammie my love!
That is a big number! We hope you make it, and how nice to make such a great donation to the CB!
Thank you for coming by our blog and leaving your nice words about our KittyBoy. We miss him so much.
~ The Bunch and Momma Bobbie
Roaring purrs from the Feline Denizens of the House of Chaos ! Worthy endeavour !
Loup-Garou, Bean Sidhe, Hrimnir, Frankette, Freya and Isegrim.
You are getting closers! I hopes you can makes it. You gots some great prizes there. I hopes you come enter my Spring Photo Contest.
Harley wanted me to come back to say that he thinks 50,000 is a gigantical number! And you are getting very, very close to 100 comments, just 9 more now!
Happy Friday Samantha and Tigger. Am I allowed to say Happy Friday to a woofie? Is he a nice woofie? Okay, Happy Friday, Maverick.
That is supposed to be Ollie, not Ollile. I need a new typist!
We're doing our part to get you to 100 posts!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hello, I'm here to give you Kreativ Blogger Award! Then look over there on my blog.
Jas & Gi
Whoohoo! I'm 97!
And I'm 98!!!
Number 99!!! One more to go!!!!
Cool! We're 100th!
101 here. Purrrs to my favorite florida kitties. of course you have a bunch of visitors. You have a fun blog and you are nice kitties.
Purrrs and hugs, Princess
Holy carp! Yoo has 50000 bisitors? Way to go guys!!! Concats =)
WOW! We didn't know this was going on!
Thats great of you to make a donation!
you are popular kitties! go mr tigger!
Congratulations! What a milestone!
It's great that you help these animals! I currently have a foster puppy- his legs are getting better:-)
Number 107 from Singapore.
Joanne, Jane, Jill, Johnny, Jay boy, Jasmine & Capu from Singapore
YAAAY for 100+ comments! :))
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