Friday, March 6, 2009

Finally Friday with Samantha, Mr. Tigger and Maverck


Misha said...

Samantha's being all "You can't sit here. This spot is saved."

Karen Jo said...

That's a good photo of you, Mr. Tigger. It looks like you like Gizzy quilts, too, Maverick. I hope Samantha doesn't object.

The Meezers or Billy said...

maverick - you is allowed on the bed? good for you!

The Creek Cats said...

We think you guys make a great trio!!!

The Creek Cats said...

We think you guys make a great trio!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tigger - you look like you're up to something...

Anonymous said...

Sam are you going to let Maverick share the bed?

Mr. Tigger you're handsome as always and make me swoon!

Love and nose kisses,

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Samantha, Are you teaching Maveric how to take care of that pretty quilt? I noticed Maverick gets in almoat all the pictures now!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Mr. Tigger, I think you should be on the quilt no maverick. We all know cats like quilts better...

Anonymous said...

It looks like all is well, over at your house:)

Sandee said...

Looks like all of your precious babies are doing just fine.

Have a terrific day and weekend. :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It's good to haf a woofie of yoor own. Has he joined in on THoE yet? It makes mom say goofy things when da little woofie is here and does dat...

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tigger, do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?

Thoughts said...

TGIF everyone! Two days of cuddling with Mom, hooray!

We luvs your pictures by the way!

Theodore, Sasha, Benson and Gibson

Tom Cat said...

That bed looks so comfy

Mr. Black said...

Hey, that Maverick dog is starting to hog the blog. Samantha and Mr. Tigger, you'd better start laying down the law.

Sunny's Mommy said...

I haven't visited in a while and wasn't aware Maverick joined your home. Welcome to your new home, Maverick, and to the CB :-D

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Have a good weekend all of you.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Mr. Tigger you take such good pictures. I have a brother dog here. He likes to hog the beds!

Anonymous said...

The mom keeps askin us to ask (not that we care acuz we dun like the woofie here) but is Maverick a Jack Russel woofie?