Saturday, March 14, 2009

Photo Hunt #153-Four

This weeks Photo Hunt theme is FOUR!!
Mom and Granddaughterbean have FOUR eyes!!
And we all have FOUR paws!!!
Bignify us to see them!

The places to be this weekend!!

Weekend Cat Blogging
#197 Breadchick and LB at The Sour Dough

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
Edition 88 |
Miz Mog and Kitties at Mind of Mog
submit your post here or email to festivalchaos(at)gmail [dot] com

The Carnival of the Cats
#261 - Nikita’s Place
submit your post here or email carnivalofthecats(at)gmail [dot] com


Sweet Purrfections said...

The photo hunt theme is going to be easy for us kitties today!

Anonymous said...

I can se ethe beans two four eyes but I can only see two paws each... ripped off buddies!! :)) hehe

Karen Jo said...

Nice foursomes.

Country Cats said...

Those four eyes are beautiful! And so are all those paws :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We love the header with Grandbaby bean and Maverick in the middle, we likes the St. Paddy's stuff too. Gorgeous eyes and paws. ~S,S,C & F

The Florida Furkids said...

We love the picture of your Mom and Granddaughterbean!! Four was a pretty easy one for us too!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Ingrid said...

You have four legs that's for sure but your beans have only two eyes per head, lol !

Anonymous said...

I have four eyes and paws too. Ok, they aren't in my PhotoHunt entry, just IRL. Although paws do kind of make a ghost appearance.

Anonymous said...

4 eyes-ha!
I played too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful paws like those aren't easy to fourget! Heehee

Amanda said...

Hello from a fellow four eyes! Great post for the theme this week. Have a happy weekend...

Four Golf Clubs.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

What's really amazing is that your granddaughter looks a lot like you! Very creative photo for this week.

I moved my Photo Hunters to my new photo blog. Please visit if you can!

Have a great weekend!

Flo said...

Yup, another 4 eyes here and I think that first photo is fabulous :) The animals are cute too.

Mine is up over at Flo's Place

Elin said...

Fantastic 4!

I hAve an award for u!
Grab it in my blog!

[thanks for purring for our late Boody~]

Unknown said...

Love the four eyes -- and the two smiles!

Anonymous said...

Let's see: four eyes plus four eyes equal eight eyes, so if there's ever a photo hunt for eight you'll be all set.

I posted a FOUR also. Please take a look: Thanks.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are good fours. Both my humans have four eyes too!

Daisy said...

My Mommie has four eyes, too. Except, she has 3 different pairs of glasses, so maybe that means she has EIGHT eyes!

Anonymous said...

Mom is been four-eyed with bi-focals, so maybe hers are disqualified. You all look ready to ease into an easy Sunday!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet picture!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Very nice fours!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful four eyes and such lovely smiles!