Three Cheers to you Barb!! Thanks for being such a wonderful Kitty Mom!
The story of Whitey at Gandalf & Grayson's bloghas reminded us that again it's time to take an extra special step for someone who is extra special. And so, we would like to give Barb (some of you may know her from Will Think 4 Wine) the Official Not The Mama Seal Of Approval Award and name today asThree Cheers For Barbday!
Yayyy!!! Three cheers for Barb for giving sweet Whitey a lovely forever home.
Three cheers for Barb for taking in Whitey and giving him so much to live for again.
And thank you so much for your donation to Romoe's FURPower Challenge to help the BCCP!
I agree tooo.. Three cheers.
Hugs GJ xx
Wow! I hope Mom isn't planning on drinking all these glasses of wine!
Thanks so much!
Yeah for Barb!!!
Whitey's story touched my heart.
We are all touched by Barb and Whitey's story.
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