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Awwwww.........this is the best Mr. Tigger and I inside Maverick outside!!! Just kidding!! We really enjoy having Maverick around!!!

neat window pictures!
Oh Tigger you look so handsome sitting in the window! Wanna come over and share my deck chair pad?
Nose kisses and hugs,
they sure do have a panoramic view! I love that you have blankets down for them, so sweet
Those are great window pictures - inspires me to try and get some when I get home. You guys have some huge windows though - it must be nice. Ours aren't anywhere near as big - which can cause a lot of cat conflict!
You two have a super pretty view!
It is good that Maverick is outside haha
We dun has window views of where Jake goes outside but we has heard its furry nice jus like yer yard.
Tigger, are you trying to close the blinds?
Great window shot with all three of you!
And a moment later, down came the blinds. Did the kitties scatter from the window?
Excellent window shot! Glad you like Mo's badge for the meme! It's great for cat lovers! :)
We love enjoying life in front of a window too. What's Maverick up to? It looks interesting.
Great place to sit. We joined in this meme today - we're a bit late posting!!
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