First I am at the bottom of the BIG ROCK!! It looks a little high!!
Ah ha!! I am starting the climb to the top of the BIG ROCK!!!Whew!! Had to take a rest before reaching the top of the BIG ROCK!!YES! YES YES!! I have reached the top of the BIG ROCK!! I am Samantha!! HEAR ME ROAR!! PhotoHunt
You are a great rock climber Samantha. We are glad Maverick made it safely back home he was very naughty running away from home. And we are happy our computer let us visit you today, we will try to come back tomorrow if our computer will let us. ~S,S,C & F
Wow, that is a huge rock! I am very impressed that you climed it to the top - you are very brave! And you look very pretty as you climb so you are stylish and brave!
You look yike you is ona' top of da Mt. Rushmore or Everest or Kilimanjaro. You looks yike an explorer!
The great explorer Samantha! did you plant your flag at the top!
Wow, dat is one pawsome rock! I luvs it, looks likes lot funs.
Woo! You're the queen of the world!
Samantha, you sure showed that rock which kitteh is the Boss!! Way to go.
Wow you are the queen of the castle.. That is some rock you got to climb..
You look superb up there..
Hugs GJ xx
Excellent post! That's a cool rock!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Very good adventure. You're like a queen on top of that big rock.
Wow! That was quite a climb on quite a big rock!
You are a great rock climber Samantha. We are glad Maverick made it safely back home he was very naughty running away from home. And we are happy our computer let us visit you today, we will try to come back tomorrow if our computer will let us. ~S,S,C & F
Hail Samantha, Queen of the Rock!
That's a cool looking rock and congratulations on climbing to it's peak!
Oh! You're so cute on top's rock =)
That is a cool rock to climb on! You are very lucky to have such a cool rock!
You are just like a real mountain climber! And you got all the way to the top without using any bottled oxygen!
That's a cool rock. It looks like "rockeries" I saw in China.
That's look like a lot of fun!
What a great rock, Samantha! And you look very pretty next to it, too!
Wow, that is a huge rock! I am very impressed that you climed it to the top - you are very brave! And you look very pretty as you climb so you are stylish and brave!
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