This is the Story of the Orange Kitty!! About 4 days ago, Mom & Dad were coming home from work and heared meowing from our patio on the second floor (the stairs are right beside the patio) where we live. That is how Mr. Tigger & I got out the first time! Mom fed The Orange Kitty (TOK) some food and left him on the patio so he /she could come and go. Then it got to freezing at night, so she brought TOK in!! I hiss at The Orange Kitty and it just looks at me!! No fighting or anything. TOK is very friendly and even let the Granddaughterbean hold and play with it. She (gasp) even put a Santa hat on it's head and liked it. Mom asked around and no one seems to be missing a kitten. She is going to put out flyers and see if TOK is someones! TOK is very clean, no fleas, bad ears and was litter trained. She is going to take TOK to the vet and have it checked out. Mom and Dad love it already!! If no one claims it, Mom wants to keep it. She kinda feels torn! Is it too soon after Mr. Tigger to think about a new kitty? We thought about adopting Kenneth, but never heard back anything! We can't figure out what to call TOK, 'cause we don't know if it's a girl or boy!! He's really cute!! Don't you think?? We'll let you know what happens after the flyer's go out!! Luv, Samantha & The Orange Kitty

Well gosh darn he sure is growing on me Samantha!
TOK is completely adorable. And frankly, given the number of homeless dogs and cats out there, if you're in a position to adopt this one, please please do! When Mr. Tigger comes home, TOK can just scootch over a bit to make room. :)
TOK is very beautiful ^^
We thinks Mr. Tigger would be very happy you are willing to give TOK a home and when he comes home they will be great buddies. For some reason when we saw TOK, we thought Tick-Tok (we are very silly this morning and it took us a few to realize that was an abbrevation for the orange kitty). ~S,S & F
If Mom had waited until Jasmine had gone to the Bridge, I would never have come to live with her. TOK has appeared, and he has chosen you. I say "Go for it."
Merry Christmas!
What a lovely orange kitty. He is very fortunate to have found you.
We think TOK is very cute! We also think the same thing happened with Mr. Tigger. Someone probably found him and took him in. If nobody claims TOK, we think he's found his new home. Maybe Mr. Tigger sent him to you.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
we think that TOK is your chrissymouse purresent. And when Mr Tigger gets back they will be great furriends.
oh and Billy says "you can nefur go wrong wif a orinch meniss kitty"
We think TOK is adorable! Of course, we have a soft spot in our hearts for orange kitties (and tuxies)! I hope no one is missing the little guy, but moreso I hope that you get to keep him/her. Likely it's a boy kitty. In my experience most orange ones are. Apparently to get an orange girl kitty, both mommy and daddy have to be orange (I learned this from a breeder friend).
Keep us posted!
It is always a hard decision to bring another kitty into the mix. Samantha was use to having a playmate and you do not want her to be alone too long. This looks like a very sweet kitty.
TOK is adorable! We love orinch kitties! I do not think it is too soon to consider a new kitty, especially one that seems to need a good home.
We think this is meant to be! He is so cute! How about keeping the name TOK? Mr. TOK. Chances are he's a boy as most orange ones are.
It's so easy to fall head over paws for these guys! Maybe he has seen Mr. Tigger.
I hope you get to keep him. I think Tokkie is a cute name.
We think TOK found a home just in time for Christmas - he's very cute! & TOK is a great name!
When Mr. Tigger gets back, we're betting they become fast friends!
Nico, Austin & JayJay :)
When they show up on your door step, it's the right time. When Mr. Tigger comes home, he will understand.
Now to find out if TOK is a boy or girl. Girls are rare so I'm thinking a boy ...
Well we think Mr T would be dlighted to have a noo sibling ~ and when he gets backs he won't mind sharing stuff.
PS: we're betting the orange kitty is a BOY! We like him lots already!
Sometimes cats just find you
Our very first thought was the Mr.Tigger lead TOK to you...what a gorgeous little guy! WE hopes you do keep him because we know you have room in your hearts...
purr on
I think TOK showed up for a're supposed to be his forever home. Mr. T will be cool with it when he comes homes. no need to feel guilty. It's providence.
We agree that TOK is there for a reason, and if that reason is for you to help it find its home, or for you to keep him, I think that he should stay there until his real home claims him. And if no one does it is a sign he should stay with you. And then, when Mr Tigger comes home he will have 2 playmates!
Orange kitty is cute--sort of looks like a light miniature Mr. Tigger. If you don't find where he came from, sure hope you keep him!
TOK is adorable!! And we think all of you can be great friends when Mr. T finally comes home!
TOK is so sweet. It isn't too soon to take him in. It is all in the timing and TOK knew it is now. You see the mom didn't want me but I picked her and the dad. I helped them heal a little hole in their heart by making room for me in theirs. You never forget those that have felt, you think of the memories then make new memories with new things and new ones.
The mom now is pretty sure that I would be to the bridge if they had not taken me in, and that is way too young for me as I am not one yet.
Please let me know what you decide. Mr. Tigger would want you to be happy and go on. That is the best things you could do for his memory.
Oh, I forgot to say that Mr Tigger may surprise all and show up someday, you never know.
TOK is gorgeous. We are sure Mr. Tigger would welcome him into the family. He will be a new snuggle buddy for him when he comes home.
TOK is very cute! I hope he gets a forever home with you, Samantha. It will be a nice surprise for Mr. Tigger when he comes back home.
He is certainly cute. I think he is there to help you through all the sadness over Mr. Tigger. We will hope that should he be your cat, perhaps Mr. Tigger will show up one day and be there to teach him how to be a mancat! (or Samantha will teach her to be a lady cat!)
I think he is one lucky cat if he gets to stay...
That is on Gorgeous Ginger! So TOK, maybe you can call him Tokky or something like that.
I think you should take TOK in and when Mr Tigger comes home you'll have three.
We believe everything happens for a reason, and that TOK is there because he/she's supposed to be with y'all. xxxxxxxxxx
Nope, not to soon. We haf a feeling dat if Mr Tigger were still der TOK would still be looking at his furever home. When Mr Tigger comes home (Mr Tigger, get yoor butt back der!) he and TOK will haf much to talk about.
Sammy we think TOK is very cute and you should definitely let him live with you all. I'm sure he and Tigger will be friends too!
Lucy & Trixie
The way he showed up, it's almost like Mr. Tigger sent him. He sounds like a great kitty - and like he needs a good home.
Now if only Mr. Tigger would finally return, you could all be one big happy family!
As Daddy's Mom might say, if she had been a Cat... The Big Cat in the Sky works in mysterious ways, its wonders to behold.
We are sad that Mt. Tigger has not returned yet, but look at this possible new addition as a blessing that could be meant for you, and if Mr. Tigger returns someday then you will be doubly blessed. ;-D
WE believe that TOK found you for a reason and so maybe you should give him a home. He sure is handsome. And Orange cats are the best. I hope it works out for you.
Awww what a cutie!!
this is Othello here. Please contact me about hosting WCB this weekend! thanks!
purrrs and hugs
He is a very attractive kitty - he's very lucky to find you guys, because it is a home of cat lovers!
It does seem like fate that The Orange Kitty found you. He (she) is very cute, and seems comfortable there.
Are you still hosting WCB this weekend? If so, here is our post:
We think Toc needs a loving, forever home..and Mr. Tigger will be pleased to know you gave him one. We think someone thought Mr. Tigger was a lost cat and has taken him in. We still hope he will escape and come back!
~ The Bunch
We're glad to hear that the little orange guy found someplace safe and loving and out of the cold. Just take things one day at a time -- since he was clean and trained, it's possible he's just lost.
But our Kelly was also clean and trained when he adopted us, and we believe someone dumped him because he wasn't a tiny adorable kitten anymore.
Keep us posted on him (we know you will!)...
TOK is very very cute! It's definitely good to put up flyers, just to be sure that someone isn't looking for him. But if they're not... then I think we can call it fate, and you can keep him. :) That's how a lot of kitties end up in their forever homes -- that's how I got Moo!
What a lovely cat, we hope you find his home (with you or with someone else). Happy Holidays from us. FAZ
A very sweet orange cat.
Merry X-Mas to you and your family!
Maybe this was Tigger's way of helping a homeless kitty find a forever home. Keep him/her and the name will be Tok. (We think it's a boy)
I think this was meant to be! We still purr for Mr. Tigger to come home, but TOK needs you now, so go for it!!!
We just caught up with your bloggie and wow what cool news!
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