Saturday, October 16, 2010

Weekend Cat Blogging #280 with Sam, Clem, Mav & GDB

We are Hosting Weekend Cat Blogging #280 this Weekend!! Please leave a link to your Post and we will add you!! Thanks!!!
Samantha, Clementine, Maverick & GDB


Cat said...

Oh sweet Clemmie, a picnic sounds fantastic, I'll be right over ~Ben xx

Ingrid said...

Thanks for hosting !

Sparkle said...

I would love it if you would link my National Feral Cat Day post!

Cindy said...

Sounds like fun! Here we are.

Judi said...

Hello SCM&GDB: Aren't Saturdays great? Vincent is our entry for today's WCB.

Thanks for hosting!

SeaThreePeeO said...

What is weekend cat blogging and how do we join?

cats of wildcat woods said...

Thanks for hosting - please link our feral cat day post -

Brian's Home Blog said...

You two are wonderful hosts!

catsynth said...

Hi there.
Thanks for hosting this week!
Here is our entry:

Fr. Tom Fish said...

We're not really sure we know what we're doing, but we've gotten pretty good at the weekend posts since that's the only time we can.. You are wonderful hosts, though, so here we are!

Admiral Hestorb said...

you are so dear to help and host.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Feel free to add me to the weekend cat blogging.

Elvira Mistress of Pussydom said...

Hey, can I play, too!

Elvira, here!

Nikita spends lots of time sleeping these days as he recuperates from the vet visit.

He is about to awaken, though, and do the next post after this one, whhere he reports on what was learned at the vet.

Friday, though, he woke up long enough to share his sudden obsession with the Red Caves I love to play in.


Majah Nikita Awakens! Then Goes Back to Sleep

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no, we read you're having major computer problems. We hope they aren't serious and can be fixed real soon. We hate computer problems. This morning ours didn't even finish loading. Just kind of sat down and refused to get up and get moving again.