Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blog Jog Day with Samantha & Clementine

Hi!! Today we are participating in Blog Jog Day!! It's a fun way of meeting new Bloggers!! Check out our Blog and have some fun with us!! Next Jog on over to“T.C. Mckee, Inspiring Author”!!! If you would like to visit a different Blog in the jog, go to”
Thanks for visiting us today!!
Samantha & Clementine
Also Everyone who comments today will be entered for the chance to win A Cat Self-Warming Pad from us!! It uses the Cat's own heat to keep you warm!!
Thanks for coming by!!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Clemmie, I like the way yer collar is long after the buckle. Mine is like that too cuz I am so small.


Avalon the Cat said...

Hi... I found you through the blog jog. Cute site. Will be back often. X

Marg said...

We are doing the blog jog too. We certainly would like to be in the drawing for that self heating bed. Some of our cats stay outside and love those beds. They are terrific.
Take care and have a great day.

Janet Lane Walters said...

Hi, I'm on the blog jog. Have no cats presently but did have a Maine Coon Cat called Robespierre who is featured in the cozy mysteries I write. Janet

The Island Cats said...

Oh we forgot all about the Blog Jog! What a great idea!! Maybe we'll meet some new bloggers too!

Please enter us in the drawing!

Sparkle said...

I'm doing the Blog Jog too, and I'm also having a drawing, and a giveaway! I would love to be entered in yours - I just heard about that self-warming pad the other day and have been wanting one!

Cat said...

Hi Girls, I hope you are having a great Sunday! We think your self warming pad sounds neat, please enter us in your contest :-)

Sweet Purrfections said...

I'll try to visit a few new blogs today. Please enter me in the giveaway today. That sounds great!

I like how Samantha is still keeping an eye on Clemmie from up top!

Suzanne Lieurance said...


What a cute site! And I think the Secret Paws idea is so creative! If I had a cat, I'd want to take part. But at the moment, I've just got my two trusty canines, Daisy and Miko!

Happy holidays!

Drop by our site on the jog trail to read about some great books for kids!

Suzanne Lieurance
National Writing for Children Center

MsDarkstar said...

Thanks for the Blog Jog link, Samantha & Clementine. I bet my Elder Lady Cat would LOVE a self-heating cat bed!

Katnip Lounge said...

Clemmie, you're likkin your chops...what did you just have?!?

Forty Paws said...

Oh! Yes, we would like to be entered into the drawing for the self-warming blankie!

Luf, Us

Jacqueline said...

Hi, beautiful girls, we hope you have a great day and fun week ahead...Kisses, sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

katsrus said...

Very cute blog. Pretty kitties and cute doggie.
Sue B

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom is going to post Mac opening his package today! Love the picture.

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

hey pawsome, Dis is the first I hear of jogging. Our hooman has been off teh interwebs lately. Fangs fur sharing! PURRS

The Florida Furkids said...

What a fun idea! Count us in onthe giveaway too!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Anonymous said...

Cute blog. I like all the cat pictures.

Happy Blog Jog Day!


Fr. Tom Fish said...

Hi, guys! We're lovin' the blog jog! What a great idea to "recycle" your own body heat!


Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

What a great giveaway! My cats would love it!

myfunnydadharry at sbcglobal dot net

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope your paws didn't get to tired with all that jogging!

Unknown said...

Happy Blog Jog Day!