UPDATE: Samantha had to go to the Vet this morning and has to stay for some tests!!! Please send some purrrs to her!! Mom will know more later and let you know how it goes!!! Clementine
Hi!!! I hope everyone is having a Marvelous Monday!! I am being a good girl with the tree Mom put up this weekend!! She put in on our back porch and is decorating it all up!! See how good I am being HERE!!!!!!

We sure do! We're on our way over! We've snagged a copy of yoor card ~ its awesome.
What a pawsome Christmas tree! I can't blame you for wanting to touch it, Clementine!
Sure hope we get a tree this year . . . so far, no tree in our house.
Oh what a beautiful Christmas tree and you look so sweet next to it (in it?)
Your tree looks fantastic! You bet we'd love to come over and play with you and it!
The tree is very pretty. We just read on the CB that Samantha had to go to the vet. We wanted to leave some purrs for her!
Purrs for Samantha! Paws crossed she will be okay, please update us as soon as you are able!
My sisters and I are all sending you purrs sweet Samantha, we hope all is alright!
Clemmie, you look wonderful with your tree. We hope you have good test results and are 100% OK! We'll purr for you and check back later.
Sweet Clemmie, I'm headed right over to keep you company while you wait for Samantha's test results. I hope everything will be ok!!!
love, Ben
PS - you tree is very beautiful
Oh we would love to come and play with your tree. We helped put the tree up yesterday and there's no toys...er, we mean ornaments on it yet! Mom won't put them on because all we do is whap them off!! But we are having fun with the tree skirt under it!
We sure hope Samantha is okay! We are purring for her!
We will purr for Samantha. We hope that she passes all her tests with the best results!
Tell Samantha we are definitely purring hard for her. Mommy, tell us what's what.
Clementine, that is a beautiful Christmas tree ... we don't get one here so we will teleport there to play with yours with you!
We are sending many purrs and purrayers to Samantha so that she will have great test results!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Oh gosh, is Samantha sick? We haf been bad frends and not leaving comments alla time and we sometimes miss whole posts and we blame it on mom and now Sam is in da hopspittal and we feel really bad...gasp...we'z gonna purr and purr dat she is okay. And, we haf no tree so we will enjoy yoors until maybe mom puts one up. Maybe.
Oh dear Sweet Samantha
We are purrin super hard for you and we hope you are back home now from your testing.
We're sending loud purrs out for Samantha. We hope everything is okay.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We are sending purrs for Samantha. We hope she is all right.
The Christmas tree looks lovely.
Mom is not so sure she is going to put up a tree this year.
Sending healing purrs for Samantha. I hope she is okay.
We love your tree!
Purring everything is okay with Samantha.
What a lovely Christmas tree! Rather sparkly!
Purrs and loving vibes coming your way Samantha
Purrs Samantha!! Hope you're okay!
Clemmie dear, I wouldn't be able to resist those lights either!
Please tell Samantha we're thinking about her.
Your friend
That sure is a PAWSOME tree, Clemmie. We can see why you wanted to touch it!
We are sending our bestest purrs and prayers for dear Samantha.
We are sending loud rumbly purrs to sweet Samantha!
We hope there's nothing wrong with Samantha and that she will be home again soon.
Many purrs and tail wags for Samantha.
What a pretty Christmas tree you have there. I like to touch the Christmas lights too, Mom doesn't like it much though cause it leads to other things I do. Mom put our tree up yesterday. Mom wants to thank you for her birthday wishes.
Purrs for Samantha...hope everything turns out well and she will be home soon.
Cool tree!
Purrs & Purrayers for sammy, from Elvira. Daddy, and I. ;-D
A lovely tree + a beautiful girl = a great Christmas!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
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