My bench, GET YOUR OWN!
"You're not supposed to be up there!""Tattle Tail!"
Erm... "Hiss!"??Sorry, I am completely useless at captions!! LOL!! Awww but Samantha and Clementine are looking so feisty! Yay! Take carex
Let's get Maverick.
I think Clemmie is asking Sam if there is room up on the table for her :-)
"Ha-ha, I'm up here!""Ha-ha, I'm down here!"=^~^=Caption Day is fun!
I think that Samantha is saying "I'm queen of the table!!!"
I think Clemmie is telling Sam: Your gonna get in trouble - your gonna get in trouble.And Sam just told her to shut her mouse trapPurrs,Genghis
"Your kidding, right?"
Clementine: are you sure about that????Samantha: yepp..this table is all mine!!
This is my table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My bench, GET YOUR OWN!
"You're not supposed to be up there!"
"Tattle Tail!"
Erm... "Hiss!"??
Sorry, I am completely useless at captions!! LOL!! Awww but Samantha and Clementine are looking so feisty! Yay! Take care
Let's get Maverick.
I think Clemmie is asking Sam if there is room up on the table for her :-)
"Ha-ha, I'm up here!"
"Ha-ha, I'm down here!"
Caption Day is fun!
I think that Samantha is saying "I'm queen of the table!!!"
I think Clemmie is telling Sam: Your gonna get in trouble - your gonna get in trouble.
And Sam just told her to shut her mouse trap
"Your kidding, right?"
Clementine: are you sure about that????
Samantha: yepp..this table is all mine!!
This is my table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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