Hi Everyone!! We are celebrating this September 2-5 as a Labor of Love Weekend To ML!! She does so much for all of us and keeps us all connected through the CB!! We love you ML and all the Sherwood Bunch!! Thanks for all you do!!
Love & Hugs,
Samantha, Clementine, Maverick
& Mom
Samantha, Clementine, Maverick
& Mom

We visited the new Diagnostic Site at Google and above is the results!! They found no Malware! Does anyone know who (securesoft connection com ru) is so I can delete their blog? Thanks!
That is a good idea!
Yay to ML, KC and the Sherwood Bunch for all that they have done for the CB and the kitties.
Thnaks for coming by to celebrate my birthday and gotcha day with me.
Happy Labor Day to all the oomans who work so hard to care for us.
That is a pawsome tribute! ML works so hard for this community - she is amazing!
ML is tireless in her work and it's so very much appreciated!
BTW, we're getting that malware message visiting you today in Google Chrome:
jcfloresinc.blogspot.com contains content from securesoft-connection.ru, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
Google has found malicious software may be installed onto your computer if you proceed. If you've visited this site in the past or you trust this site, it's possible that it has just recently been compromised by a hacker. You should not proceed, and perhaps try again tomorrow or go somewhere else.
We have already notified securesoft-connection.ru that we found malware on the site. For more about the problems found on securesoft-connection.ru, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page.
Awwww what a wonderful way to say thank you to the ever fabulous ML! Yay!
Hello there adorable Samantha, Clementine and Maverick! Take care
ML rocks!!! Happy weekend friends :-)
We love ML too!!!
We get the malware message on Chrome but not on Firefox. We sure wish this nasty bug would leave the CB!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Just now on chrome we did not get the message so whatever it was, it is gone now? Or maybe Secure soft fixed their issue?
Yup, Mom ML is da bomb...do da kids still say dat? Ohoh, we may be behind da times a little bit, but, we still love her. And yoo guys too. We'z been hassing some issues, nothing to do wif malware or anything, just stuff wif our wireless router fighting wif da modem. Mom thinks she found a fix but it will prolly take hours and lots of bad words to fix so she's saving it fur later...
We don't get any messages - haven't gotten any messages when visiting your blog lately. Wonder why it's only in Google Chrome - perhaps they're having an issue? Because we can get the red flag warning in Firefox if there's a problem. So ????
We're sending BIG purrs to ML and the gang because they do so much :)
ML is pawsome!!!!!
Purrs Tillie & Georgia
Thanks for linking up to Weekend Cat Blogging!
Where was Maverick headed? Doggie spa?
Happy Labor Day!
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