Awwwwwww!!! This Easy Like Sunday Morning Me &
Clemmie are chillaxin' in the sun!!
I am relaxing in my favorite sun puddle in Mom;s office!
Clemmie are chillaxin' in the sun!!

Samantha & Clementine
Psst!!! Ben wanna come over and relax in my sun puddle?
Too late! Mommy has already seen those tummies and is ready to snorgle!
Oh look at how wonderful it looks! Enjoy your sun puddles!
You two have sun? Lucky you - we are supposed to get rain today.
Enjoy your sunpuddles!!! Take care
That is a great way to take it easy on a Sunday, all nice and warm in that sun Puddle. Hope you have a super Sunday.
We have sun today too! We hope you all have a great sunny day!!
I'm coming over to your house for sun puddles cuz we don't have any here today.
Enjoy tour sun puddles and be sure to take it easy all day.
We are all warm and sleepy just looking at you two...
Thanks to all of you for stopping by to wish us well; Very kind of you.
Woos~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom
Nothing like relaxing on a Sunday morning :)
You have sunshine? We have gray sky!
Glad that you have such a nice place for sun spots. Hope you had a relaxing day!!
Hi Clemmie, your sun puddle looks fanastic...I'll be right over!!!
your Ben
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