Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday with Clementine and Ben

Hi Everyone!! Wanna come over and play with Ben & Me!! He's going to bring that cool toy he is playing with!! Mom says she has lots of treats so we can all have a go at it!! 
Love & hugs, 
Clemmie & Ben


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Ohh, that does look like fun! We like your outside place, too. xoxo

Old Kitty said...

That looks like such fun! Enjoy! Take care

Karen and Gerard said...

That is a very good toy--we like any toy with treats! Love your blog header!

Cat said...

Hi Clemmie, the toy is all packed and I'll be right over! We're going to have a super fun day :-)

~love, Ben

Gemini and Ichiro said...

It looks like there is some fun to be had there!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We want to come play with that cool toy!

Marilia said...

What amazing box-toy!!!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Ooo fun! have you figured out how to get the treats yet?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are on our way! That puzzle box sure looks a lot fancier than ours, so we wanna try it out.

meowmeowmans said...

Is it too late? Can we still come over and play with you and Ben?

The Island Cats said...

Hey, we've got that toy too!

Unknown said...

What a COOL toy! I bet even my hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon would has fun with that! And your boyfriend is coming! Yous one lucky girl! Me is just a little jealous.