Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wordless Wednesday with Samantha, Clementine, Maverick & GDB


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Wednesday!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Wednesday!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

First, let us say you're bloggie looks great! Mommy LUVS it!

It's good to see all of you on this Wordless Wedsnesday. The Grandaughterbean is so pretty! xoxo

Karen Jo said...

It's great to see you all. Clementine, what have you got in your mouth. Mom says it looks like you ate the telephone receiver.


Sparkle said...

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

GizmoGeodog said...

Hi there! Gald to meet you ...you asked about buying the Kong Dental Chews and chew Buddies online and yes, they are available a lot of places including Amazon http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dpets&field-keywords=kong+dental+chews&rh=n%3A2619533011%2Ck%3Akong+dental+chews

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

The Paw Relations said...

Great pictures of you all.

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Wednesday!!

The Florida Furkids

Jans Funny Farm said...

wordless big smile. :)

meowmeowmans said...

Such great pictures of you all! We especially like the picture of the little bean and Samantha. :)

Jacqueline said...

Great photos, the GDB is beautiful...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You all look very alert today! Clemmie, did you eat a whole wand toy and the string?

rebecca said...

ohh! such a cutie..;)

Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.

Kitties Blue said...

Thanks for visiting us today. You are all just too, too adorable. We'll be planning to return to learn more about each of you. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Josette

Team Tabby said...

Nice to see you all.