Saturday, July 13, 2013

This Week's Saturday PhotoHunt is Flamboyant with Samantha

This is Samantha Being Flamboyant!!
Don't You Think She Does It Well?

 [ flam bóy ənt ]   
  1. showy: showy and dashing in a self-satisfied way
  2. brightly colored: brightly colored and striking
  3. highly decorated: elaborate or richly decorated
And We Think She Fits Them All!!


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Very flamboyant, but always pretty!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Furry flamboyant indeed :)

Sparkle said...

MOL - looks more to me like Samantha being annoyed!

The Florida Furkids said...

Fabulously Flamboyant!

The Florida Furkids

Mariodacat said...

Wow Samantha - you really are Flamboyant!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

You look lovely my dear. ~Socks

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Samantha, you are very pretty and Flamboyant!

MaR said...

She looks truly flamboyant!


Karen and Gerard said...

That first shot is adorable!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Purrfectly flamboyant!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you DEFINITELY got this one...PAWS DOWN!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Samantha is a lot more patient than we'd be.

meowmeowmans said...

Samantha, you're flamboyant AND beautiful! :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

OMC! That orinj one might be BEYOND flamboyant! MOL.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, definitely! She does flamboyant very well.

fizzycat said...

Fantastic cat!

Swami Zoe said...

Oh Samantha you do do it well! Nice to meet you! Me-Ommmmm

Cat said...

Samantha you look fantastic, you are indeed flamboyant!!!!