Don't I look Brave!! I'm on top of our roof and while Mom was trying to coax me down, rather loudly, she was also taking my picture!! Mom's are weird! My eyes really showed up!! I met a very nice boy cat at Zippy, Sadie and Speedy's during their party for July Kitties. Which was such a lot of fun!! His name is Peach! He swept me off my feet an we are officially an item!!
Aaaaaagh, Samantha...come down now please...! How are things going with he Peach Man? He is furry handsome!
You are very brave Samantha! I think any cat who goes outside is very brave.
Congratulations on your new boyfriend. :)
Yep! You do wook awesome!
Samantha you are a brave girl!
Congratulations on being swept off yore feet by Peach! We're furry happy for you and know that you will be furry happy together.
We all think you were very brave for being on the roof.
Congrats! Peach sounds like a gurreat tomcat!
You look very beautiful and poised on the roof.
I have a roof story too, maybe one day I'll share it...
You look gorgeous, Samantha. No wonder Peach fell for you. He is quite handsome, too.
concatulations on you and Mr Peach! woo hoo!!!
Wow, you're up on the ROOF!! I've never tried that!
Oh wow Samantha!!! That is really scary and I think you should not go up there. I like heights but not Out of Doors heights!
Samantha, you look gorgeous against the black sky! Even though I think you should come down from there.
I am happy that you and Peach hit it off. He is a nice mancat.
Samantha, you are very brave tobe on the roof. I climbed a tree once and got very scared!
Samantha! Get down off of the roof! You don't want to hurt yourself now that you are in love!
careful up there!!!!
You look like you are waiting for fair romeo xx or peach he he xx
Congratulations Samantha on your new boyfriend. It is no surprise that such a nice kitty would find you!!
Your eyes look cool. You look like you are telling mommie that you are so in control.
<3 Princess
Are yoo waiting for Peach to come up and get yoo? How could he resist yur tuxie beauty?
Were you up there smelling the romance in the air?
AHHHH Love is in the air for you and Peach man! How sweet is the winning of a kiss at loves beginning!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk! come down from there! (sorry that was mommy, she should know that you are a skilled kitty climber and with your mommy there was puuurfectly safe.)
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