Life From A Cat's Perspective Special Pages
Samantha & Tigger's NOMSS Friend
Our friend Karl at the Cat Realm dared us to find a not-of-my-species-special friend. So we remembered that we had met a bunny friend of DK and the Fluffies in July. His name is Andrewbun and he was very cute and nice and hadn't been blogging long. We left a comment on his blog and asked if he would become our NOMSS friend and he said yes. Here are a couple of pictures of him. Isn't he the cutest bunny?

He is the only bun in his warren and he lives with 3 dogs or barkers as he calls then and 2 chinchillas. His mum did a Thursday 13 yesterday about him that tells all about his life. His Gotcha day is July 15, 2006! We are so proud he became our NOMSS friend. Karl is helping us with our Badge and as soon as he sends it to us, we will post it.P.S. We are still working on the 5 Things That Changed Your Life Meme
Congrats Samantha! We are still working on Mr. Pigeon, and hoping he will be our nomss furriend!
What a nice bun! A very special friend indeed!
Andrewbun is very cute. I am sure that you will be great friends.
Andrewbun is cute! We found out sumfing when we started blogging, all da buns dat blog are nice and so are da woofies and birdies and effuryone else! If da werld really were run by da aminals it would be paradice!
Can we call them Tuxi-rabbit~! ^0^
They are so so cute~!!!! Thanks for sharing them with us~!
oh yes, andrewbun! he's so cute
Congratulations on your NOMSS bun friend. He is very cute. We wanted ours to be the moth that comes by but Trixie keeps trying to eat him so that probably will not work. I would not want to be friends with someone who tries to eat me.
We can't wait to read your 5 Things meme.
Purrs and huggs to Tigger from Trixie!
What a wonderful nomss friend! I laughed out loud when I read his Thursday Tirteen! You guys will have LOTS of fun together!
Thank you soooo much for accepting the Dare, I am really touched by all the friendships that started through it! I am working on the button - give me some time...
Your friend Karl
what a gorgeous furrend! i had a bunny friend once called Dubbs but he went off to the Rainbow Bridge bout 4 years ago x
Bunnies are fun! I used to watch them when I still was living in Germany. I had a balkony and looked down on the grass. Hundrets of bunnies!
I like Andrewbun,too! He is very nice.
Awwww, Andrewbun is an adorable bun! He will make an adorable special friend *smile*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
What a cute bun! Good choice for a new pal!
Andrewbun is a handsome fellow. He looks furry soft and is probably really, really fun to play with! Good choice!!
Andrewbun certainly looks like he would be a special friend indeed!
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