Sunday, September 30, 2007

Carnival of the Cats #184


Come on in and have some food and drinks and a seat.
Then check out all the Wonderful Carnival Cats!!


Henry of Texas Oasis, went to the vet for a cough!
He has a mild case of asthma and check out what
the vet gave him to use!

Abby maybe small, but add some catnip & watch out Jinx!!

Dragonheart is getting a new brother!! Go by and see what he will look like!

wants to know, Where is the cat in this
picture? Can you find her?

Liberty warms her toes in stinky slippers? Wait, do I see new ones?

A Vegetarian Cat?
A veggie sausage?
You must see this!

Hrimmikin's says, It's all,

Acrobatic cats in Florida!
Who says you can't train cats? Check out this pawsome video!

Cat with Glowing ears seen
at Blog d'Elison.

Seti at how to hold a cat without losing an eye,
is up to something. Sure looks like a big project!
Check it out to see the results.

Kashim! Othello! It's time to get up! HEY! Okay, we think we'll tip toe out and let them spend the day sleeping!

What has Auduce so mesmerized? Frogs did someone say FROGS!!! Grace say' s "Where?"

Misia's beauty sleep is interrupted!
Is it lunch time?
No, okay! Wake me when it's time!

Kosmo, from This, That & the Other Thing, stars in his own movie!! Great pin-up shot! Meow!!

Scylla & Charybdis try to stop Daddy from leaving!
Go by and see if they succeeded!

Henry and Spike are a perfect example of a
Not of My Species Special Friend!

Maus, says "Just think if we had opposable thumbs
we could eat with chopsticks, turn the computer on
and use a cell phone. Heck, we could rule the internet!

Catymology = 1 pear-shaped cat + 1 autumnal equinox+ 1 poem

Chey is very thankful for her loyal readers! She is spinning in happiness!

Who could refuse this cute face anything? Parker even says Pleeeeeeze!!

Her Majesty and Misty are very symmetrical! But we want to know who moved first?

Mr. Gato knows exactly where his next meal is coming from! No matter how you try to hide it, cats always know where their food is!!

Bazel, says Meowza wouldn't share the cap nip laced scratching pad, no matter what I did!

Meet the amazing Mocha Fudge Brownie! She's the Quality Control Checker for anything new that comes into the house.

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Belated 7th Birthday Maddie!
See her playing with bubbles. And check out her Video's!

Indigo is battling an infection and has to take pills. Now Learn How To Give Your Cat A Pill in 20 Easy Steps!

Tiny and Baby try to keep cool as Summer turns to Fall and the temperatures in New England are still almost 90 degrees! And to keep cool we had Rum Raisin ice cream! Yummy!

Boni is searching for sanity! She found a Yeti, Greeboo on a chair, and her Uncle selling donuts! She is still looking for it!

Luna is missing Omar while he is in New York!
She has a great catsitter, but no one is as good as Omar!

Mom! Where is our food? Sorry dears you are on a diet! Eli & Tigger sigh!

Halloween is coming! Check out Sigyn over at Dolphin's Dock and their new seasonal look!

Samantha & Tigger Thank you for coming by this Edition of Carnival of the Cats #184! We hope you had fun! Please stop by next week to Stranger Ranger for COTC #185.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys have been busy!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowwww, stopping here will know lots of news about many goods friends of us~!!! That is so great~!

Hot(M)BC said...

Wow! Grate carnival yoo guys! Now pass the treatsies. hehehe
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Great carnival! :) Fabulous job!

Marilynn said...

EXCELLENT carnival, Samantha & Tigger. That's a lot of work to get all those photos in there, too, but it sure makes the carnival more fun!!

Thanks for a great ride!

Grace & Company

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Wonderful Carnival!!! Thank you for including us. We thought the cat hiding behind the blind was cute. We love playing with tails, so we spotted the tail right away.

~Scylla & Charybdis

Anonymous said...

Nice job! Congratulations. :-)

Anonymous said...

wow, totally kewl~ great carnival, loved the refreshments too! :D

sammawow said...

Wow, you did a great Carnival! We were late to visit but it's terrific to see all of the cats!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Gattina said...

Can you tell me how this Carnival of Cats works ? I participate on Bad Kitty Cats but am a little disappointed.

R. said...

Sorry about the late add to the main site... this is an incredibly impressive effort with the thumbnails and I look forward to more from you.