Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Nice Matters Award and Name Meme

We are Honored! Moe & Mindy & Storm, the Furry Fighter nominated us for The Nice Matters Award! Thank you very much. We would like to Nominate Bounce, Lucy & Trixie, Zippy, Sadie & Speedy, and The Kitties & Mom. All these cats and their beans have been very nice to us and others, they are always willing to help when they see a need and always have a kind and heartfelt comment for everyone.

Our friend Millie, started a Meme about how we Cats got our names and we are going to tell how we got ours.

Mom got me when a pregnant Cat decided our house was where she wanted to have her kittens. She was there when I was born. There were six of us and mom called me Blackie, she thought I was a boy. My Mom and all my brother's and sisters got good forever homes. As I got older and Mom figured out I was a girl, her friend said that I looked like a Samantha to her. So I became Samantha Black. Mom calls me Sam, Sammy, Samantha Black (I know I'm in trouble when she calls me that) and ugh Fuzzy Butts!

Tigger was already named when my Mom got him from a friend of hers who had to give him away, because he tried to eat her bird. Someone dropped him off by her house and her kids named him Tigger, because he had a very orange tummy as a kitten and after Pooh's buddy Tigger. Mom calls him Mr. Tigger, Tig and Tiggy.

Don't forget all the great Cat Places to visit this weekend.....
Board the Friday Ark at The Modulator
Weekend Cat Blogging is being held by Katie and Puddy at A Byootaful Life
The Carnival of the Cats is going to This, That and the Other Thing
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos 09-21-2007 to 09-23-2007 is going to
Pet & The Bengal Brats at Pet’s Garden Blog
Optional Theme - Pillows Or Beds


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Congratulations on your award! :) It is very well deserved. :)

I enjoyed learning how the two of you acquired your names. :) They certainly suit you both!

Anonymous said...

It's very amuuzing this page, I reely am zo identified with zum of my fellahs heer, and by the way who nose? Maybe won of dis days I'll write iu 'bout my chocolate passion...! Congratulations to iu all!!! AccaTonnE, a street cat from Cuernavaca, México.

Anonymous said...

It's very amuuzing this page, I reely am zo identified with zum of my fellahs heer, and by the way who nose? Maybe won of dis days I'll write iu 'bout my chocolate passion...! Congratulations to iu all!!! AccaTonnE, a street cat from Cuernavaca, México.

Millie said...

Thank you for telling how you got your names! I am really enjoying these stories.


You are so well deserving of this award.

WE always enjoy knowing more about our friends. Fank you for sharing your story on how you got your names.

Have a happy weekend.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting the Nice Matters Award. Thank you so much for nominating us for the award too - we are very honored.

We loved the stories of how you got your names. Samantha, you do not look like a boy, you are very girly. Tee-hee, we had to giggle at Fuzzy Butts.

Purrs and nose kisses to Tigger from Trixie (who also likes to eat birds).

Monica said...

Congratulations on the award! I like the stories of how you got your names. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award. Those are wonderful stories of how you got you names!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo guys reely deserve da Nice Matters award...yoor furry nice. Thank yoo fur thinking of us *blush* we'z not so sher we deserve it. We think it is furry funny dat Tigger wanted to eat dat ladies bird, which mom sez is not so furry nice...

Team Tabby said...

We enjoyed your names meme....we like the names you have, but the nickname Fuzzy Butts cracked us up....

Moe & Mindy

Daisy said...

Congratulations on your award, you really deserve it because you are two of the nicest cats I know. I liked the stories of how you got your names.

I hope the BlogRush thing works good. I am trying it out for a few weeks to see. I see that they are already coming out with different colors for the widget that will be available soon. I am going to get a pink one!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tigger and Fuzzy Butt! - -ooops I mean Samantha!


Jimmy Joe said...

Congratulations on the award! You definitely deserve it. Your momma is very lucky that the momma cat and those Beans brought you two to her house.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the award! You really deserve it.

Mickey's Musings said...

An award, are nice cats!
I like reading new things about my friends.Beans love nick names!

Peach Man said...

Fuzzy Butt! We have the same nickname Samantha. And way to go Tig for trying to eat that bird! My mama's never gonna get a pet bird, not ever never, so I can't even try that stunt(she thinks birds are creepy--she's nuts, they are tasty!). Maybe you can help me talk her into an aquarium instead.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concatyoolayshuns furr yer award. We fink yer names reely soot yoo bofe.

Anonymous said...

My Lady sent your momma an email today. It is full of boring html talk.