Thanks Mom, for all your help with the M-Cat Club!!
Your Welcome, Tigger! It was your idea, I just did the prep work! Now it's all yours! I am so proud of you!
A little to the right please!! Ahhhhhhh!
Your Welcome, Tigger! It was your idea, I just did the prep work! Now it's all yours! I am so proud of you!
A little to the right please!! Ahhhhhhh!

Mmmm...neck skritches!
Oah I can see you are very very happy~!! Tigger~!!! What a lovely expression!!
You are really enjoying those scritches, Tigger! :)
Well-earned scritches Tigger!
Gypsy & Tasha
Tigger you look so happy. Sockie~Pooh loves having a club he can go to, to get away from us girls. We can't imagine why.
Scylla & Charybdis
Those look like some great skritches, Tigger! Just look at your smile! I can't wait to go check out the club today. =^_^=
I love when people actually get the right spot!-
Oh Tigger you are so happy.
Tigger, I can see you smiling!
OOOOOOOHHHHH scritches. Ma scritches are the very best.
Chinnie Grinnies!
We went to Mister Linky to get the M-Cat code, but the Meme isn't listed there yet?
We is kinda happy dat our brofur has a place to go to hang out wif all of da other mancats. He's gonna learn how to be a great mancat from yoo guys. We'll miss him when he's out at da club, but he's grown up now and we get dat he can't hang out wif his sisfurs 24/7...
Mmmmmmmmmm! Wuuuunderful scritches!
I see your smile!! That's a great mancat picture!
-Jasper McKitten-cat
The way you're smiling, that's got to be good.
Way to go, openin' the Mancat Club, Tigger! It looks like your Momma gives good nick scritchies.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
What a great pose, you look super cute!
That's a good skritch spot. You look like you're in heaven.
oh man, that skritch looks so good I almost forgot what I was going to say.
Oh yeah, Thanks to your mommy for all her hard work. I'll get a cool picture sent soon.
We're all so concerned about Sonny (no good news at all) that mommy can't concentrate.
Ohhhh! After looking at Samantha and the icecream I am now ready for a good scritch!:-)
I'm so proud on you, Tigger! The M-Cats Club is a fantastic idea!!!!
Headbutts from the happiest cat in the universe,
~ Ruis:)
Yeah! That's the spot!
Hi Samantha and Tigger, we've tagged you for a meme, please see our blog.
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