1. Have a 20,000th Visitor contest. If you look in the left sidebar, we are getting close. We are so excited about this. It seems like just yesterday that we started blogging.

2. Post these cool pictures in our Sidebar and give one to Tybalt and Trixie. Thanks Maggie, Zoey and Ann.
3. Thank you everyone for helping Tigger and I get into the 2nd round of the Cutest Cat Contest. Round 2 has started. Vote for TIGGER! Vote for SAMANTHA!
4. Visit all out furiends and comment. Thanks for being patient while mom was taking care of dad and the pinched nerve. It is better.

5. Mr. Tigger wants to thank The Crew, for giving him this Cat Blog Friendship Award for creativity and success in getting more cats involved in blogosphere activities. He is going to post it at the M-Cats Club!
6. Mom is going to Visit Babybean in Orlando this weekend. So our Sunday post might not make it up. ( Tigger & I will have to try and do it without her.) Sonbean's laptop is temporarily out of commission. She's a little stressed so she needs a couple of days off!! She said she might see a mouse or a killer whale! Sounds kinda crazy to us.
Have a Terrific Thursday!
I have already vote to you 2nd round Samantha and Tigger, because I tracking the new round.
You are great~!
Congragulations for the 20,000 visitors~! You are popular~!
Good luck with all the items on your to-do list. We have voted for all our friends in the contest!
I voted for both of you!
We already voted for both of you in the second round. We are keeping our paws crossed that you win. It is good to hear that your Dad is feeling better.
Your friends,
Tigger want to snuggle today? It is really cold here and we are supposed to get a snow and ice storm later tonight. Nose kisses, purrs and hugs to my handsomest mancat!
That's a big to-do list! Good luck with it!
Luf, Us
I already voted for you two, too! You sure have lots of things to keep you busy. We cats lead very complicated lives.
OH MY PAWS AND WHISKERS! What a beautiful graphic of us, Samantha!
I am off to vote for you again!
Oh . . . and mommy says she would love to see the mouse, too. I never knew my mommy loved mousies so much . . .
I'll be over soon to snuggle! Purrrs.
We voted for both of you in the second round. We are still not seeing the 20,000 visitor yet! Ah well...
Happily, the Mouse and the Killer Whale do not like each other. I always worry about this because it's kind of close by where I live and I'm afraid if they ever got together we'd get a Killer Mouse out of the deal.
I voted today; congratulations on your award; and I hope your Mom has a wonderful time visiting the babybean :-D
We went voted for you. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Mom's is kinda weerd...ours sez she needs a break and dad sed yeah, how about dat B&B we were at fur da wedding up by E and she sed oh dat would be lovely so dey is going away fur a day, a night and another day! Why do dey need deze so called breaks, dey haf us to keep em alaxed!
We've voted furr bofe of you again as well. You haf got a lot of fings to do.
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