Life From A Cat's Perspective Special Pages
Tuxie Tuesday with Samantha
See I can be a nice sister to Tigger! I even licked his neck fur for about 2 seconds!! Sorry we didn't get to visit all our furiends yesterday. Our dad pinched a nerve in his neck and mom has been taking care of him! He went to the hospital Sunday night and his doctor today. They gave him medicine to help with the pain and he is doing better now!
Please go visit the Other Tuxies at the Tuxedo Gang Hideout!
Tomorrow is the last day to Vote for Tigger and I in The Cutest Cat Contest, please VISIT HERE or the post below this one to vote if you haven't already! Thanks for helping us win the First Round!! Samantha & Tigger
I hope your daddy's neck is getting better soon!!!
Happy 29th Birthday to your boybean ~!
And I voted for you both~!
Are you sure that boybean is 29?
It's nice to be nice, right Samantha?
Sorry to hear about your dad. We are glad to hear he is doing better. Sending healing purrs his way.
Happy Birthday to the BoyBean.
That's bad news about your Dad. I hope he's all better soon.
Happy Birthday to your Boy Bean :-D
Dear Samantha, I hope your daddy's back feels much better soon! Happy birthday to the boybean . . . that is how old my mommy is! ;)
Of course you are a good sister, my princess. I will be right over for our daily snuggle . . . purrs!
We were sorry to hear about your Dad's pinched nerve. That sounds very hurty and we hope he will feel better really soon!
We did not get to visit yesterday either because Bounce had to go to the vet and then Mom was busy around the house afterward.
Nose kisses and hugs to Tigger from Trixie!
Oops, we also wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to your Boy Bean. Our Girl Bean will be 29 this year too!
Happy Birthday to your boybean! He looks very young for 29.
Happy Purrday to da Beanboy!
We is glad to hear yur Daddy is doin better...tell him to be furry careful. (Maybe he got too a'cited by da Daytona 500!)
Happy Birthday to the Boy Bean!! 29 is a lot of years! He looks good for his age. :D
Hope your daddy feels better soon! Pain is no fun, momma still has hurty back and it taking pain killers on and off. :( They thought it might be an infections and put her on biotic but it has not helped. She still has more tests planed for next week. ~Queen Snickers
Happy birthday to your beanboy - he's aging well!
It's nice to see you being nice, though I don't want Pearl and Bert getting any ideas!
we is sorry to hear about your daddy! and happy purrfday to your boy bean.
Happy bleated birthday to your boy bean.
Momma had her birthday yesserday too!
purrrrrs to alla you,
We hope your Daddy gets well soon.
Happy Belated Birthday to the boy bean.
We will be purring for your family.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
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