Nothing better than a log nap on this Easy Like Sunday Morning! Mom read us Daisy's Sunday Comics already and now we are gathering energy for Dr. Tweety's Party that starts at 10 AM Oregon time, so that would be 1 PM FL time??? Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

Oh aren't you looking cozy! We hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
Very Very comfy and sleepy as well~!!! Hahahaha~~
You two look soooo comfy - that's what Sundays should be all about.
awww I loves it when my Fuurinds are so compfy, and I very much believes you both is really too!
I can sees Samantha's got a little dribble action going, just like beans when they is sleeping! :)
We're taking advantage of the extra napping hour. It's a rainy day here, so it's purrfect for sleeping!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Ohhh hooo! You look nice and cozy!
Yep, you need to rest up before partying!
Ah a good nap. That's the life is about isn't it?
Hi guyz!!!! I yam so happee you are takin' a itty bitty nap before headin' outs to Ory-gun. We iz gonna haz a great time... & evfurry cat iz invited!!! We are reddy & standin' by wit all kindz of treats.
I hope you both set your clocks back and set an alarm clock so you aren't late to your parties! ;o)
Yew, a good rest is imperative before a big party. See you there!
Hope you enjoyed your nap's on an Easy Sunday!
You two had the purrfect Sunday :-D
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