Sunday, December 21, 2008

Easy Like Sunday Morning with Samantha & Mr. Tigger

We are taking it real Easy This Sunday Morning! Mr. Tigger is taking a break from WCB at The M-Cats Club , BUT there is still time to post your entry there , if you haven't yet! Right now he is helping Mom with some Christmas decorating! And I am waiting for Mom to read Daisy's Sunday Comic to us! We hope you all have a simply wonderful day and that all your Christmas shopping is done!!


tahtimbo said...

Thank you for the Christmas card. We just got it today. Yours is heading out on Monday, sorry I had computer problems...I was using it; my wife is making the card. My decorations are done, but I have yet to begin my shopping. Have a great rest of the weekend and thank you again for the great card!

Karen Jo said...

I finally got our tiny tree up and decorated and I finished my Christmas shopping tonight after work. Now I can relax and wait for Santa. Whew! Have a nice relaxing Sunday!

Black Cat said...

Oooooo, I'm a bit worried about that suitcase... You're not being left home alone for Chrissy Mouse are you?! :) xxx

Ingrid said...

And I catched a cold ! but my cats keep me company

Nomi said...

I don't do shopping cos I'm a cat. Thats what Miewmie is wait on me hand and paw. However, miewmie finished her decorating and sent out all her cards ages ago. She also thinks she has gooted all the presents for everyone. I know she has got mine and thats the most impawtant one. I shall give my miewmie a special kiss on Christmas day as my present to her. I would bring her a mousie but they are hiding under the shed until the spwing.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Have a nice relaxing Sunday. We are all ready for Chris Mouse now. We just got to help mum wrap the last two purrezents then we are done.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're going to help Mom finish decorating, make another batch of the cookies Daddy already ate and wrap more presents. We'll probably get a nap or two in at some point too!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Am all ready for Christmas. 3 more days to go...
Merry Christmas

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Tigger...are you going someplace???

Isis said...

I Wish i could fit on the things you guys fit on. I'm pretty sure i'd collapse that luggage, and would be hanging off that table.

Tesla and Hansel said...

i like ta naps on da back of da couchie. -hans

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We is doing nothing's really cold and windy. We is gonna make more cookies today, maybe we can make some nip cookies fur our frends!

Daisy said...

This is the very best time of year when all the shopping and wrapping are done and we can relax and enjoy the anticipation!

Cory said...

Well, looks like our shopping is done, whether or not we were really done...although I think I smell wrapped nip under the tree so I'm safe. We are snow and iced in!

Sandee said...

Not participating, but wanted to comment. All my Christmas shopping is done. Whew!

You have a purrfect day. :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Daisys comic was good today! You 2 look like you're being very patient waiting for Christmas!

Whimpurr said...

Whimpurr sez she finks da shoppin' is all doned now! Now we iz waitin' fur her to start bakin' some good smellin' stuff! *purrs*

Anonymous said...

Mr Tigger I sees you on a suitcase.. you is not going anywhere is you?!?!?!?
Haves a lovely relaxing Sunday too!! :)


Victor Tabbycat said...

Tigger, I hope you is not plannin to travel! Der's bad whether efurrywhere! It's so cold today, we're not goin anywhere, Chrissy Mouse or no Chrissy Mouse.
We hopes you has a furry wonnerful hollyday! If you want sum snow, just let us know!
Victor & Nina

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We will be off to read the comics soon. That is our favorite part of Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Samantha, that doesn't look like a spot as comfortable as where Mr. Tigger is... are you waiting for a phone call?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

It was an easy Sunday here too! Mom and Dad came home and It got really cold!

Anonymous said...

Is dat a goin away bag yoo is on Mr Tigger?

3 Cat Blog said...

You both look very cozy :)

Anonymous said...

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