Friday, December 19, 2008

Why we didn't do a Post Friday

The picture below is our deaded computer mouse! Mom was having a bad morning and our poor mouse took the brunt of her (she should learn to take more naps) morning! So she went out and got a new mouse and a new keyboard (cause it (the keyboard) was almost a casualty today, too) it was always sticking and made her wrists hurt, but the new stuff was way more complicated to put in and she just now finished installing it! So sorry about the TGH News, too! She usually does our posts at night, but last night she fell asleep early (if you want to call midnight early) and she is NOT we repeat NOT a morning person! So we just napped and hid, but now she is all better! She's geeky and loves new computer stuff!


Sandee said...

I'm glad mom got a new mouse. Did she give the old one to you two to play with? I hope so since kitties love mices.

Have a purrfect rest of the day and weekend. :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor dead mousie. We're glad she's got a new one now though.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Sometimes those electronic mice just wear out and the beans must get another! Too bad we can't put the bitey on them.

meemsnyc said...

We need to get a new mouse too. We have one of those wireless ones, and it always runs out of battery and then mom gets really angry.

Cafe Cats said...

We're glad your Mama got a new mousie. Did she get one for you two too? Our Mama isn't furry good in the morning either until she has her gogo juice.

Jimmy Joe said...

That's funny that your momma kills mousies, too! She sounds very creative.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Brownie said...

Poor Mousie, but well, also computer stuff have their time...


Anonymous said...

I can sympathize with your mom, totally!

The Island Cats said...

That's a funny kind of mouse...we only know the kind that have tails!

Anonymous said...

Poor mouse! Rest in peace.. I remember I have a lot of dead mouse at home as well as keyboards.. And it pisses me off!

Anonymous said...

Oh Gauyz It's just the plastics...hrrrm but still whap worthy :)))


Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than a bum keyboard and mousepad! It ruins the whole blogging experience.

Anonymous said...

Oh we know dat one. The mom hadid a mouse wif a long tail dat didnt werk anymore acuz the tail got broked. So now she has dis neat cordless one fer the lappy top. It's funny to see the beans upset at a electric fingy, we just wud go takes a nap too!

Anonymous said...

Am I hearing this right? Mom killed the mouse.... come on little kitties..... Love, Sugar

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