Finally Mom got our Costumes for Halloween on us!! And we think we were very obliging to her this year about taking them!!! Hehehehehe!! Next we are off to put our pictures on Hansel's Halloween Spooktacular Blog and at Baby Patches Halloween Contest Blog!
Have a Happy Saturday,
Sammie, Clemmie & Mavie

Have a Happy Saturday,
Sammie, Clemmie & Mavie

Shiloh'n Shasta here - u'all look just wunnerful in your cawstumez. Sammie'n Clemmie look like they r quite pleased with themselvez'n just hope Mavie duzn't sting anyone.
You guys were TOTALLY cooperative! Like the absolute opposite of what we were! My human was hoping to enter us in those contests, but the photos turned out so badly, that idea was scrapped.
Oh Maverick, you little stinger!
Great Cooperative..Good Luck for the contest !!!
You are so cute in your costumes!
Your costumes look terrific and we're especially impressed you didn't bite off one of your mom's digits in the process. MOL!
Uh, we mean because we might, not that any of you is difficult. LOL. Sorry for any misunderstanding!
You guys look great in your costumes!!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Mommy is enchanted with you three! She said you look fab! Me..I am just wearing a form fitting fur suit. Mine. ♥
Those are great costumes!!!
Luf, Us
So cute!! You guys look great!! :)
You haz grate kostooms, you all look rilly skardy espeshully witchypoo! Hoppy Halloweenies wishez!
You kitties and doggie too are such good sports to wear those costumes. We will NOT put one on, not even a hat. Those are great pictures. Happy Halloween and we hope you win the contest.
Oh the humiliation! It happened to us to...
Mommy says you are all verreh good looking in your halloween suits. She's crazypants!
Samantha has that look like she means business--witchy business! Love your costumes!
Happy Halloween!
Those were great gang! I hope you have a safe and happy Halloween!
You guys all look awesome=we love your costumes and are so impressed with your obvious cooperation!...Happy Halloween weekend and we hope you all get lots of treats=you adorable babies deserve them!...kisses, sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We love your costumes!!!
All three of you look so cute...have a fun Halloween. Nose kisses and hugs
Thanks for coming to visit us! You all look so spiffy in your Halloween outfits, we're beside ourselves with jealousy. Cute! Have lots fun!
Muahahahahahhahha! Funny customes.
Happy and terrifying Halloween!
Oh you all look pawesome in your costumes.
HELLO, Maverick! You won the best dog costume category!! Please send your email to us at FLOOFY MC FLUFFERSON AT GMAIL DOT COM or you can contact the sponsor of your prize- at Siku & Quinn's blog!
---love, Hansel (who is not signed in.)
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